
Life is good.

I was looking back on 2012 everything that happened. My life was falling apart and it was like nothing was going right. I saw all the mistakes that I made with my decisions  I had people just non stop nagging in my ear about how my husband was a low life because he was having trouble getting a job. I stuck by him like any women would stick by her man. But that was falling apart to. but when it was about to go into 2013 I decided to stop listing to others Just work on me and my family help my hubby as much as I can with his flipping houses. Well now everything is going the way I dreamed about it.

I am working with a bunch of great women who has the same goals as I do and are willing to help each other out. It’s a great group for women who wants to further there business and help other women succeed its call the Better women’s network. So if you have extra time on your hands and want extra money for the holidays and help other women then you should check it out.


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Ann Williams

Hi my name is Ann. I just started this and just trying to figure it out so bear with me while i get every thing set up. Any way i am a at home mom of 3 adults and 1 grandchild. I am 36 years young.