Better Womens Network!
I have just learnt some fabulous tips for you.
We all want to grow our BWN down lines and I keep reminding myself that this is myown business. I am trying new and different things in order to find out what works best for me and the new ladies that I introduce to this network will be receiving a valuable gift….potential
There are opportunities all around us we just need to open our eyes and learn to see them. I know why I joined Better Womens network now I am looking for ladies who are looking for similar things?
- they could be – at your son or daughter’s school?
- The local hairdresser’s?
- local gym
- I always ask myself how many women can I reach out to with this opportunity?
- I hope you are doing the same please take a look at
- www.
Living in London, a London girl recently back from 6 years on the Costa Del Sol, looking to change my life.