
Crawling before walking



Here in the south west part of the United States we kind of take our freedoms seriously. We kind of dislike it when others tell us how we will live, what we can say, and most of all what we will do to satisfy them. They talk, rant and rave, try to out shout you when you have something to say if it does not agree with what they want said. And that’s OK for them, as long as they realize that whatever they got to say “don mean nuttin nohow”

Now that I have that off my chest the reason for today’s edition is simply to say that before you can walk, you got to crawl. Now your probably wondering just what the heck is this guy trying to say, well here it is.

Being new to Internet Marketing, I have had to relearn a lot of things that I did not know applied to this endeavor. Though still in the learning process I feel that through my mentor and my support community, I have managed to learn quite a bit. I feel as though I have gone from “Crawling on my belly like a reptile” to beating the heck out of my knees and elbows. At first, all the ones who have influenced me and encouraged me to continue just flatly ticked me off, telling me how to do something I never even knew you could do, like Keyword research, “What the heck is a keyword and what door does it unlock?” Well I found out, through the efforts of my mentor and support community. Also found out about Autoresponders, blogs, text ads, solo ads, HTML. images, audio. Camtasia, webinars and other things I never even thought of  before.

Now I’m not saying I an expert, still a long way from that, but I have learned. And if this “Old Hoss” can learn, so can anyone else, just have to be open and willing.

As for the first paragraph in this issue of my musings, just needed”sumtin to get yer attention”.

Y’all have a good weekend now ya hear.

Been more places and done more things than most people and lived to tell about it. Have been married to the same woman for 36 years, and that makes her pretty amazing. We have raise four successful children, and they have given us 8 grandchildren. We enjoy our lives, our friends, our church, and our time together.