
For Today and Tomorrow

Just a bit of a departure from the norm. This issue will focus on something as relevant today as it will be tomorrow and everyday after that for as long as we breathe. All of us know that besides the health issues facing us today, there are a multiplicity of other factors we have to
engage if we are to have the life we term as successful, according to our standards, not someone else who does not live in our skins.

This issue will be about our financial well being, as well as our emotional, physical, and social needs. If you remember, at the start of this blog I had stated that there were factors beyond my control that prompted the actions I had to take to ensure that my wife and I were still taken care of.Because of the nature of the incidents I had to find another way to keep our lifestyle intact. Knowing that I am beyond the bracket to be considered eligible for employment, I started researching what I could do on line. I went through a lot of programs that simply did not meet the needs I foresaw.

They were either focused on quantity instead of quality or just looking to get into you wallet, neither of which meets any other needs/wants other than theirs. That’s not my way of doing business. As I began to get frustrated with the money grubbers I ran across something that looked familiar, so I took a closer look. Was I ever glad I did. The program itself appeared more geared to a large business as opposed to a small home based business, but as I looked deeper into it, the validity of lending itself to a small  business became more and more apparent, even to me, a newbie.

The components of the program that give it the basis for value are without a doubt the best on the market, the support is readily available and easily accessed, the people you deal with are very professional and extremely competent in what they do for you. The compensation plan is currently going through a genesis that will provide the best plan on the market as of April 1.The Big Kahuna is as reachable as your best friend, and this guy responds, not always immediately,  but trust me he does get after it.

The company I am talking about is NPN, and over the period of the next couple of weeks, I am going to lay out for you what it is comprised of and what you can do with it.

If you would like to peruse it for yourself
follow this link to the gateway.


Been more places and done more things than most people and lived to tell about it. Have been married to the same woman for 36 years, and that makes her pretty amazing. We have raise four successful children, and they have given us 8 grandchildren. We enjoy our lives, our friends, our church, and our time together.