

Picture 1My name is C.J.Trudelle, but, I have been called Duke for so long, that my real name sounds weird when I hear it. I have been married for 36 years, to the same women, that makes her pretty amazing. We have raised four children, though it was mostly her, as Uncle Sam kind of kept me busy. They are all successful in their own right, 3 of the 4 have families of their own, and have together given us 8   grandchildren. We are still waiting on the youngest for his contribution, that will come in due time when he is ready.

Thanks to my time in the Military, I have traveled the globe three times, mostly to places you would not have on your vacation list, and only for short periods of time, 3-5 days each, enough time to complete the assignment, then get out of Dodge. I have worked with patients in the ER, and other Medical units, I have worked with Psychiatric patients, I have worked in the field of Chemical Dependency in both the Adolescent and Adult venues, and among other things, I have been a welder, a truck driver.

As an individual, I have been a writer, and authored one Book titled “Unsung”, written poetry and even had some of them published, (Poetry.com)

My current focus is now on “Self” for a practical guide on how we can make things better for ourselves by using a Holistic view of “Self” encompassing the differing parts of “Self” as a whole. To include the physical,emotional, social, and professional aspects.

You can find some of my work at http://dmanenterprises.com. This site is just brand new, and still being fleshed out, but there are some things available to peruse, go take a look if you get the chance and feel an inclination.

Been more places and done more things than most people and lived to tell about it. Have been married to the same woman for 36 years, and that makes her pretty amazing. We have raise four successful children, and they have given us 8 grandchildren. We enjoy our lives, our friends, our church, and our time together.