
Goal Setting





goal 2

Goal Setting – everyone talks about how important it is, but what makes a good goal?

A goal needs to be achievable, but it also needs to stretch you, to take you further than you thought you were able.

In this Part 1 of 3 on goals, I am going to start on Short Term goals. What I want to achieve (what I WILL achieve) in 2013.

1. I will develop my marketing skills and my online business to the point that the income generated will replace my day job.

2. I will move closer to the beach!

3. I will make a habit of ignoring the voice saying (it’s too hard/cold/windy), and say YES! Lets do that!

4. I will save for a 20% down payment on a house by the beach.

5. I will regain my pre-baby stomach!

6. By the end of 2013, I WILL compete in a Tough Mudder or similar event.


I challenge you to write down your goals so that they are visible in front of you and a reminder as to what you are working towards.

I bet lots of you would like to achieve goal number 1 just like me. Why can’t you?








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