
The 10 Day Challenge!


Well ladies, the 10 day challenge is approaching.

What are you talking about you say?

Very soon, the BRAND NEW Better Womens Network website will be launched, and all of us members of the Better Womens Network are going to be going flat out sharing the opportunity with as many other like minded women as possible over a 10 day period.

Why would we do that? Have you ever had a job in sales and had a target to reach? By having a goal that 100 of us, each are each able to share the Better Womens Network with 100 others in 10 days, it gives us a SOLID GOAL to work toward for those 10 days. It gives us a reason to push a bit harder, and do just a little more.

On top of that, we are going to be working as A TEAM! Yay! The way for us to reach all of these new women will be by working together, by sharing ideas and supporting each other. I hope you are excited, you should be.

As for motivation, if you are able to reach out to other business women and share the Better Womens Network (FOR FREE), how awesome would it be for you if down the track they decide to be a full paid member? This could really catapult your income in the long term.

Get on it girls!

Oh – There is a link at the top of this Blog to take a look at my first video. Of all of the tasks we have been assigned, you might think this was the hardest and you might not feel like you want to do it. My video is about 20 seconds long, it is short and sweet, and it wasn’t so hard to do. You can do one too. No one is judging you here.

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