Today I thought I would write about challenges as I am not feeling all that fantastic!!
Everyone has their ups and downs… and the biggest challenge I face in my life right now is motherhood!
Motherhood is HARD! Those of you who are a mother know what I am talking about!
I have a four year old who loves to test the boundaries and throw a good tanty and a nine month old who is also start to challenge me… loving to squeal (the ones where you need earmuffs to protect your ear drums!) Its hard sometimes but you have to stay positive!
That leads me to the Better Womens Network! I have just joined and although it is all new and challenging I know I have the support of lovely women who will guide me when I feel overwhelmed with this new venture! Today’s task has us thinking about our goals so I thought I would list here some of mine!
1. A short term goal of mine is to get a kitten!! I have found one through a rescue organisation and her name is Delilah!
2. I would like my husband to be able to stay at home more… he is a builder (I will talk about that more in my next post I think!!)
3. I would like to be able to afford to go on family holidays (at least one week every year or possibly more in the future!)
4. My hubby really wants to buy a boat so would love to be able to help with that!
I have more goals but these are just a few to focus on for now and hopefully through Better Women’s Network some of these goals will be reached in the not to distant future!!
If you are reading this and would like help reaching your goals and overcoming challenges then The Better Womens Network is for you!
Click on the link below and contact me for more details!!