
The 10 Day Challenge is coming soon!!



Well the 10 day challenge is fast approaching!! What is that you ask…

The challenge has been developed by the Better Womens Network- a group of special women who are helping each other to make money online!

The plan is to spread the word and help as many women join and receive FREE training as possible in ten days!

Many women want to be able to stay at home due to kids or other factors ( I am one of them) but don’t know how… the Better Women’s Network will help these women for FREE to learn how and guide them all the way to success online! HOW EXCITING!!!

This offer can help women with no prior experience in marketing or any business for that matter to women who have already started online but want to learn how to generate more leads…

The Ten day challenge is starting soon so to stay in the loop follow us on facebook-






Well where do I start! I am a stay at home mum with two gorgeous children! I have a background in floristry and owned my own business for four years. Once my first child came along I found it hard to continue to run the business so I sold up... I started looking in to working from home so that I had more financial freedom and also so my hubby who is the building industry could stay at home a bit more and be with the kids! I was introduced to the 'Better Women's Network' on facebook and decided to join pretty quickly... the idea that women can help each other to earn money online appealed to me. I felt that I was going to get the support I needed (as I am not very tech savvy) to get me started on the journey! So wish me luck and I hope you decide to join us too!