How I found the answer to building my business

When I first started marketing online several years ago I decided that I wanted to build my business using network marketing and over a few years I worked with some good businesses but to be  honest it was not as easy as I thought it would be.

I thought I would just sign up and then get a few people to join me in my chosen business then they would do the same and I would soon have a large downline and a good monthly income.
Signing up and getting set up was a very simple process but getting people to join my business I found almost impossible.

I tried and I tried for several years and although I had some success I never made any real money, however I am not a quitter and just kept going because I new other people had done it and I was determined to succeed and my ambition is and always has been to build a good regular monthly income online and be able to help others to do the same.

One day not that long ago I was chatting online with another online marketer who was getting sign-ups far easier than me. She asked me how I was taught to do my marketing and if I used a system. I explained I was self taught and had tried systems in the past but they always seemed more interested in promoting their system than my primary business.

She asked me how I learned to read and write, so I told her I went to school like most people.
Then she asked me if I had a car and if so how did I learn to drive and I told her I took driving lessons before sitting my driving test.

She explained that to be able to read and write and be able to drive I had taken lessons from experts who had themselves taken lessons to become professional teachers so they could teach people like me and then she said online marketing is just the same, you need to learn from experts, successful people who have the knowledge and can show you how it’s done.

She then introduced me to Global NPN and to cut a long story short I soon realised why I was not getting leads and sign-ups into my business.
Global NPN is not just a system, it’s a complete business school that shows step by step how to market, get leads and sign-ups and how to generate an income. It even provides you with a one click blog like the one you are on right now.

I  seriously don’t think I would ever have found success without Global NPN as it has everything I need to become a top online marketer and a top earner.

Thank you for taking the time to come here to my blog I hope it has been of help and if you
fill in your details in the box at the top right of this blog you can learn more about Global NPN or click here  for a free report.

To your success
John W. Anderson
The Online Marketer

Previously an Electrical Engineer I was able to retire myself and I now work from home Marketing and Coaching others on how to build an online business. It's great to have the freedom to work when I want although I don't call it work as I love what I do and it's good to be able to help others improve their financial lives. When Im not at my computer you will find me in the hills here in Scotland hiking with my dog Jess.

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