
This is exactly where the disconnect is in your business



Most Network Marketers don’t treat their business like a business…

Let me explain.

Let’s say you purchased a franchise. Would you expect it to make money for you if you only worked a few hours a week? What if you didn’t go to training to learn the ends and outs of the business? Or if you only tried for a few months then gave up? What if you didn’t follow the Proven Guidelines?

Would you be allowed to  decide one day that Subway should start selling tacos??

It should go without saying that if you are looking to grow a million dollar home based business then you have to start treating it like one… starting NOW! I see people every day in our industry struggling to succeed because they simply fail to actually treat their business as such.

Most network marketers don’t look at their business as a ‘real’ business.  I think that’s where the disconnect comes in.

How could you expect others to want to join you in business if you don’t look at your business as a real business?

Here are a few things you can do to start treating your business as a real one. Starting today:

1. Consider Your Business License & Permits

This is a step that most marketers miss because it isnt required right away, however, implementing this step is going to set you apart from those that are mere “hobby network marketers”.

Just because you are a network/internet marketer under “XYZ company” does not mean that you do not need to get the proper licenses and permits required by your local government. Remember you are an independent contractor and while you can file your home business expenses on your taxes as an individual there are some cases in which; depending where you live,  it may be required for you to have certain licenses and permits to conduct business out of your home.

I have experienced cases in which a HOA (Home Owners Association) or Private Complex Neighborhoods (Apartment neighborhoods) put restrictions on the business activities that are conducted in the home. So make sure you check it out because the foundation of your home business will need to be solid. Simply put: BE ABOUT YOUR BUSINESS.

You can visit http://www.sba.gov/licenses-and-permits and find the required licenses and permits for your at home business in your city by simply entering your zip code.

If you find that you are required to register your business you will want to make sure that you understand the different types of business licenses. You may file as a sole proprietorship, DBA (Doing Business as,  Partnership (if you have a business partner), LLC (Limited Liability Corporation) or get Incorporated. `

At the very least look into filing for a DBA (Doing Business As) registration. Most successful internet marketers file an LLC. If you are not sure of which business license is best for you you may visit:


This will give you a brief understanding of the different classes of business licenses so you can decide which is best for you. At that time you can contact your accountant to further assist you with this process.


2. Set Business Hours

So now that you have decided that you will take your at home business seriously it’s CRUCIAL to set your business hours. Would you agree that a successful business has business hours? Of course! If you don’t know what times you’re working, then how do you expect to work?  Most network marketers work when they feel like it… or when they find the time to squeeze it in. If you want to make a significant income online I am telling you now: THAT IS NOT GOING TO WORK.


If you want a business that will pay you for the rest of your life you cannot expect to just treat it as a hobby. Otherwise you will get the same income that you typically get from a hobby $0. Perhaps you’re thinking about your prior companies that you’ve worked with? Honestly, did you set out blocks of time and REALLY treat your business as a business… or whenever you had a free moment to squeeze it in?  You need to create structure in your business. There is no way of getting around it.

It doesn’t matter if you’re able to put 5 hours per week or 30 hours per week towards your business.  Whatever the amount of time is that you can allocate towards building your business schedule it!

I mean go into Google Calendar and block out that time. Example: From 6am 6:15am- Wake Up 6:20am-7:20am Breakfast 7:25-8:25 Prospect Calls 8:30am-9:30am- FaceBook Engagement and so on.

If the time is not scheduled something else will come up that will get in the way.  This will take a bit of discipline, but it will pay off big time in the end for you. Stay tuned to later posts as I will soon do a video that shows you exactly what I do to schedule and stay productive in my business. So go ahead and start your schedule so that when we get to that point all you have to do is tweek yours and make it fit what you need to get done.


3. Track Your Results

I have no clue why more network marketers do not engage in this activity as it is the SOLE purpose of marketing. It is absolutely imperative in your business to track your results! There is no way around it. If you want to be productive and effective, we need to know what’s working and what’s not working.  The only way we can do that is by tracking our results.  Make sense?

Let’s say you are a personal trainer. What are some things that you would have your client do to as a part of their daily regimen? Write down what they eat. Measure their waist line and record it. Journal how they felt. What exercises they did right? Marketing is the same way.


If you’re tracking your results daily, weekly and monthly… then you’ll be able to see exactly what’s working as well as where you need to make some adjustments.  This is probably one of the most important things you can do as a business owner… and most networkers don’t do it.

You should be tracking things like how many phone calls did you make?, Hw many appointments did you set? How many blogs did you post? How many presentations did you do? How much engagement did you have in social networks? On which platforms? How many enrollments did you get?, etc.

Let’s say a month went by in your business and you didn’t personally enroll anyone.  If you’ve been tracking your actions then you’ll know where the issue is.  Like I said, the disconnect.

And what happens to most people when they don’t know? They give up. Sound familiar?

If you are afraid of seeing the results then you should hang it up and get out of business NOW.

It’s a challenge. You Have to be Willing to take it. 

So Are You Ready For the Challenge? Comment below if you are…


*If you found this information of value and want to learn more about list buidling/internet marketing strategies, tools, and resources for growing your online business (No matter what company you are with), make sure to get on my list by putting your name and email in anyone of the opt-in boxes you see on this blog 🙂


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Thank you for visiting my page and Welcome. You'll see from the start of visiting my page that I am a free spirit who loves what I do and commit a lot of valued time into my life passions. That includes lots of traveling, cooking, and lots of wine tasting of course 😉 If you didn't catch it from my profile my name is Khana Kerns. I am a 28 year Momprenuer (mom+entrepreneur) as I like to put it haha! I have 2 beautiful boys, London age 9 and Legend age 9 months I have been in marketing for a good part of 10 years. 6 of those years I worked on building my marketing business part-time from home while working in Accounting. *sticks finger down throat* Needless to say life had me get out of that field and do what I do best: Work with people, make a decent living for my family that would afford us to live a solid life, and work from home 🙂 It was about 4 years ago when i decided to really buckle down and make some significant money online that I could work full time from home. Since then my journey has been incredible! I know what it takes to make it as a successful entrepreneur I know what people go through and how hard it is to make money. This is why i make it my goal to help as many people as i can get to where I am in my business. I have always understood that you need to sell you and your ideas in order to advance your career, gain more respect, and increase your success, influence and income. My expertise is communicating with people and list building strategies,as well as, a few other things such as media management and different traffic strategy methods. I definitely love helping people and listening to what other people have to say. Contact me and I would love to get to know you more. Hope to talk soon Khana Kerns Office: (641) 715-3900 Extension: 730796#

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