
The God’s Honest Truth About Making Money Online

Here’s the thing….

Making money online is NOT as the ‘guru’s ‘ are portraying it to be. But I don’t have to tell you that, otherwise, you would not be on this page right now. Most people attempting to make money online never make a dime, in fact, they wind up spending more money than they’ve ever made.

I was one of “these people’ for many many years.

Now here is the God’s Honest Truth….
Making money online is STUPID simple.You know already everything it is that you need to know about making the money. You just have to come across the right person to teach you the right way to apply what you already know. At the right time. Your time is now.

So let me fill you in very quickly

MOST of these ‘Internet Gurus’, ‘Masters’, ‘Teachers’, etc are not telling you the truth. After 10 years in this business I have learned this lesson the hard way, however, the sad part is a lot of them are not meaning to deceive you. They are just trying to make a quick buck just like you. Trying to hold their own heads above water so that they can feed their families. They are giving you false promises of QUICK! INSTANT RESULTS! That you can make TONS of $CASH$, INSTANTLY! (Shaking my head) A lot of them feel this is true.

It does not work that way online OR IN LIFE. You’ve seen that for yourself, hence, the reason you are not making any money, or have no audience, or no readers to your book. Whatever. Anything that you have acquired skill at you’ve developed with practice over time. So why do you think anything is going to give you instant results.

You will feel the results when youre already at the finish line!

It’s become a truism to say we live in a push-button, instant access, fast pace world where we want EVERYTHING! LIKE YESTERDAY! Do  we have more impatient temperaments than our parents did? Not really, in fact to me it just represents a different way of thinking. Another philosophy (your philosophies influence your ability to make money online in a major way but we will get to that at another day and time). There is a natural progression in life. Science knows it and once upon a time people knew it too back in the days when we were an agrarian society.

You Plant. Cultivate. THEN you Harvest. Plant. Cultivate. Harvest. Plant. Cultivate. Harvest. Plant. Cultivate. Harvest. Plant. Cultivate. Harvest. Get IT?
In today’s society everyone wants to go instantly from plant to harvest. We join the gym and in a few days get frustrated when we have no weight loss harvested. We want instant results. Buying lottery tickets, is an attempt to go directly from plant to harvest too. Robbing banks, microwaving our food, pulling up to the fast food drive thru. And most of the online programs? Well, people are failing because they are expecting to go from Plant straight to Harvest. WE SEEM TO ALWAYS OVER LOOK CULTIVATING.  This is to be expected as most of us have grown up in a television-microwave fast paced culture. We’ve completely lost track of time and we are losing touch with reality believing we have access to instant life.
I want to show you how to cultivate….
How would your online money making experience change if I told you there are a few simple principles that many successful people use they will not require you to spend hours a day in front of the computer getting NOTHING done? That by just completing a few simple tasks everyday working online for about 1-2 hours WILL change your life. AND your income. You can breathe take your time. KNOW that you will get there. Know for SURE you will make money And it’s Guaranteed. The methods are free. I’ll teach you the principles as well as how to market  ANY program online and get results.

This blog is for those that NEED to do. You have bills to pay, kids to feed, and $100-200 a week is going to help you drastically for now and you are willing to stay the course to turn that into $1000-2000/ wk- JUST BY DOING SIMPLE TASKS EVERYDAY. Perhaps you have a job and you can pay bills but never have the extra money for clothes, food, or taking your family out on vacation. This blog is also for you. Perhaps you are laid off from work and you can hardly make ends meat. You’re struggling and have not been able to make any money online and you are desperate to live. This too is for you.

 Really, I don’t have the answers that you don’t already know but one thing that has taken me from working a full time job to working from home full time with the FREEDOM that I need to live a sane life are these very priciples that sooo many of us just overlook. CULTIVATING.

Keep your marketing as simple as possible. Simplicity is key when it comes to marketing online.
Don’t try to overdo it. Take each marketing task step by step. Remember: Plant. Cultivate. Harvest… It’s the only way to make money online… AND THAT’S THE GOD’S HONEST TRUTH

Thank you for visiting my page and Welcome. You'll see from the start of visiting my page that I am a free spirit who loves what I do and commit a lot of valued time into my life passions. That includes lots of traveling, cooking, and lots of wine tasting of course 😉 If you didn't catch it from my profile my name is Khana Kerns. I am a 28 year Momprenuer (mom+entrepreneur) as I like to put it haha! I have 2 beautiful boys, London age 9 and Legend age 9 months I have been in marketing for a good part of 10 years. 6 of those years I worked on building my marketing business part-time from home while working in Accounting. *sticks finger down throat* Needless to say life had me get out of that field and do what I do best: Work with people, make a decent living for my family that would afford us to live a solid life, and work from home 🙂 It was about 4 years ago when i decided to really buckle down and make some significant money online that I could work full time from home. Since then my journey has been incredible! I know what it takes to make it as a successful entrepreneur I know what people go through and how hard it is to make money. This is why i make it my goal to help as many people as i can get to where I am in my business. I have always understood that you need to sell you and your ideas in order to advance your career, gain more respect, and increase your success, influence and income. My expertise is communicating with people and list building strategies,as well as, a few other things such as media management and different traffic strategy methods. I definitely love helping people and listening to what other people have to say. Contact me and I would love to get to know you more. Hope to talk soon Khana Kerns Office: (641) 715-3900 Extension: 730796#