
Hey Guys!!!

Hey Guys

What’s going on?

My name is Kareem and I’m avid nut for marketing online.

Just wanted to say first and foremost that this is my first post on my NPN blog and excited to giving my readers many more.

Here on my blog we’ll go super cool content that you can use today in your endeavors in building your online business.

I’ll go through tips, ideas, strategies, and thought process of my successes and failures as well.

Which I believe is equally important in sharing as well, hopefully they won’t be too embarrassing.

Now, I don’t want to be too long and drawn out in this post, although I do want to drop in and say hi and have you guys

become familiar with the name and possibly get to know one another.

So stay on the lookout for latest…

Talk to ya soon.



Kareem El-Amin

What's up everyone I'm Kareem as you already know.... I just wanna say thanks and appreciate YOU for visiting my NPN Blog first and foremost... You'll find right off the bat from visiting here some of the things I have a passion for. Things like my family, travelling, cars, the foreign types in particular, and more importantly my passion for marketing online... I've been around internet marketing for about 8 years...give or take a couple of days and I've found it at a time where timing couldn't have been better for me. Trying to find solutions in a job, just wasn't getting it done. So when the "pitch" came to make money using the internet along the way to make myself my own boss, I took the plunge of a lifetime...I found more of what I believe to be my way out of the "Rat Race" of trading their dollars for my time. But that wasn't all I found...more on that later... In the past 8 years, I've started small and on a very part time basis, basically trying to find my style on what I could do and what I was good at. Didn't have a lot in the way of knowledge or resources or people I could call on at that point, but it sure was exciting. Later, in my pursuit I found the resources, people, and most importantly the knowledge to take an idea I have in my head to the next level. Moreover, over the last 18 months, I decided to make a move to go at the marketing with concentrated effort and preparing to go FULL TIME. Not there just yet as far as completely independent from a boss, but the time is coming.(so excited about this too by the way) Along this journey, I've learned a lot and still learning, helped a few close friends on their projects in the way of marketing their projects and gaining exposure. And I've got a lot more to do in regards to my personal projects, but the ultimate goal is to be something or someone that could be of use to you and your endeavor whatever that may be. Someone who help you find your answers or solutions, something I wished I had when I started years ago. So if you're ready, let's begin... Contact me here or shoot me an email @ kareem@hiddenoptinsecrets.com