My daughter was sitting in her 4th grade class when a university professor walks in. My daughter as well as her whole class did not notice him standing in the back of the class.
Well what a treat for him, as he was walking past my daughter’s class on his way to speak to the 5th grade classes(who are graduating next month) when he overheard a typical debate between my daughter and her teacher. The teacher asked the students to put their schoolwork away in a folder in there binders and take it home to complete as homework.
My daughters teacher noticed that my daughter put the now homework in her homework folder in her binder and advised my daughter that since the assignment is about science, she should put this schoolwork in her science folder.
My daughter, always so quick with a rebuttal, advised her teacher, “that would’ve been true if the assignment were to be completed here in class, however (yes the 10 year old say’s however) now that this assignment has become homework…therefore (yes she uses therefore too) it goes in the homework folder.” With logic like that, the teacher did’nt argue with her.
At this point, the Professor, who was standing in the doorway of this classroom, then made his presence known as he approached my daughter. Her 3 ring binder was open on her desk, and the professor complimented my daughter on how neat and organized she kept the contents of her binder. Then he asked my daughter to come with him to the back of the room so they could talk privately (even though the whole class was watching). He told her “your not a brown noser, I like that!” And my daughter said “well you know how it is…as she look around the class to notice the whole class were staring at to particular students immediately after the professor said “brown noser”. My daughter then continued “for some, it’s just a personal choice”. The professor chuckled and told my daughter, “there’s a future for you at UCR-University of California Riverside). With that he left the classroom and went on the the 5th grade classes.
There’s a future for her in marketing as well.
Courtnei Swain
Skype: Courtnei,PeaceandFreedom
Office: 951-249-3336