yes it is true,i found it out today that the game,call of Duty Ghosts,
will be released to the public sometimes in October.
They have really put in the work into this game!
It has a brand new motor to this call of duty game as well.
And like the title reveals ,the story will include ghosts.
Check this video out about Call Of Duty Ghosts:
The call of duty ghost game will work on xbox and
playstation as well,so I have been told.
So thats a kind of a teaser for the new call of duty game,Im looking forward to the launch of it.
I’m sure all the Call of action fans atound the world are pretty excited about this launch of this awsome game!
So check that video out here on the blog,and feel free to comment this post and share
I just wanted to post this real quick about these great news about the launch of the new call of duty movie.
take care.
best regards, Tommy Olsson