Ad Tracking

Ad Tracking Is Very Important

It is very important that you track your advertisements. A lot of marketers make the mistake not tracking their links.
npn ad tracker

Let me give you a scenerio so you can understand the importance of ad tracking your advertisements.

Let’s say you sent out a ad to 5 different safelists that cost you about $10 a piece. You have your ads (links) in 15 different traffic exchanges and you surf for 3 hours a day. Plus, you have a solo ad that cost you $100 and you have your links in your Youtube description.

All these you are sending people directly to your Global NPN link or whatever business you promoting direct link.

In two weeks, you made 6 sales referred 6 people to your Global NPN business. At first, you are going to be excited you have these signups, right? But where did they come from? Which traffic method did they find your business?

So let’s discuss using your Global NPN Multi Ad Tracker

For each of those 5 different safelist ads you should have an ad tracker. (one safelists = 1 ad tracker) (5 safelists = 5 ad trackers).

Now let’s look at it as if you set up ad tracking for the 5 safelists. You can look at each one and see that you got most of your traffic from two of the five safelists. Next time you will save that extra 30 bucks and/or use it to advertise elsewhere.

If you didn’t have the safelist ads tracked then you would have thought I made 5 sales all these must be good. I am going to pay another $50 and use them again…not realizing that on 2 safelist produced the sales for you.

Tracking your ads in traffic exchanges are important. I would have an ad tracker for each link in each traffic exchanges. If you have two different businesses in one traffic exchange I would track each one of them.

I have multiple capture pages for my Global NPN business. I track each one so I know which one is converting.

When something is not working, change it. Move on. You need to really pay close attention to your ad tracking. A lot of people give up, because they don’t know what is working and what is not. Don’t let this be you.

If you need any help tracking your ads, let me know.

Live Life Unlimited.

Jaden Daniels


I am a regular guy who needed to make extra money. When I started looking online, I knew I would find something. My journey was a long one. I got scammed a few times. I fell for the hype. I listened to people who supposedly knew what they were doing. I spent over $15,000 trying to learn internet I have been down the road of hard online marketing knocks. I learned a great deal over the years, and I love teaching others. Believe me you don't have to spend a lot of money to make money if you have the right training. And that is what I do.

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