Just want to throw something out there to think about when marketing online. A lot of times companies offer a marketing system as part of the business opportunity with that company. Sometimes the marketing system is free and sometimes they may charge anywhere from $9.95 per month to $24.95 per month for this system. Most of the time it will include lead capture pages with a built in autoresponder that sends a series of follow up messages. Now it is definitely better to send a prospect to a lead capture page than it is straight to a sales page, simply because most prospects do not make their decision to join a opportunity on the first exposure.
The title of this post is “Are You Building Your List Or Theirs”, let me explain what I am asking here. When you go out and generate a prospect and they fill out the capture page and that prospect has now become a lead. If the prospect simply ends up in the company auto responder, are they really your lead? They are only your lead when it comes to that company, because you have no way really to communicate with them without being accused of spamming them. Technically they are the companies lead, they are on the companies list not yours.
This is just food for thought, if you are going to spend the time, energy and possibly even the money to generate the lead, then why not have them on your list. The reason you want them on your list is so than you can market other opportunities you may be in or tools you may use to market your business. Now let me caution you if someone has taken the time to opt in to your list, treat them with respect do not abuse them or you will find that list dwindle faster than you built it
I don’t care much for the saying “The Money Is In The List” in fact it makes me cringe even their is some truth in it. Treat your list with the utmost respect and give them value, and this will reward you greatly.
Hope you found some value in this.
Norman Thompson