Interested in marketing online and possibly joining a Team Build. What exactly is a Team Build and what Team do I join and what is expected of me when I join…. These were the questions running thru my mind as I was determining what I was going to do. Thru my experience I have found some things that might be helpful in your quest to determine if a Team Build is right for you.
1) Is this a new Team Build or does it have a good track record. If it has been around awhile I look at the track record and if it is still being heavily promoted then that probably means that they are still bringing in new members, this use to scare me making me think it was saturated, but as I have learned the amount of people looking to earn online today, I don’t think you can saturate a company. Now if it is new I take a hard look at the company and ask myself is this something I would like to promote even without the Team Build attached to it, if so then I may try the new Team Build.
2)The next thing I look at when it comes to a Team Build is the leadership are they respected, do they communicate,are they accessible. The reason you have to look at the leadership is because integrity of the distributing of the signups is very important. When you lose the faith of the Team the whole thing falls apart.
3)What is the start up cost? If the initial cost or the monthly cost is to high and the break even point is more than a month out, retention becomes a problem. Just some food for thought based on my experience.
4)Do you have the PATIENCE?This is a key factor. If you do the rewards will be great if you don’t you will have wasted your money and will have moved on in about 60-90 days.
If you decide to try a Team Build commit to it for at least a year and I think you will be presently surprised.
I debated about putting any links in this post but I am going to give you the links to 2 very good Team Builds,one is what I refer to as an oldie but a goodie the other is rather new but with a great company that you can earn from without ever recruiting a single person just based on people above you placing paid members below you. Take a look and do what is best for you.
Hope you find this helpful.
Norman Thompson