
NPN Great New Training

While listening to “4 Steps to Success and your NPN Instant Blog”, I decided I would write about my thoughts on the new training.  I have made it to Module 5 and I must say this new set of training is quite useful.  For someone who has had zero experience in online marketing, getting through these quick and easy steps makes it simple to really make the jump from being totally confused to getting prepared for what’s ahead.


First of all, it’s important to get all of your profile setup because whenever your prospects take a look at you, they have a lot of useful information to see about you; don’t skip this step!  After a few short videos, you are on your way to creating an online income!  I quite enjoy the simplicity of the training.  Though there are more advanced training, for once you get a little more caught up with internet marketing, you really should start at the beginning.  And for anyone who thinks it is too complicated to learn, guess again.  You must understand that this business is simply about learning to sell yourself.  Create a positive name for yourself so that people will in fact want to do business with you.


But it’s more than just about the money.  I feel that a lot of times I find myself concentrating on the money aspect, which is important.  But if you really think about, you have an opportunity to help people change their lives.  I know there are plenty of people in the world, and in my direct life, who would love to start a business of their own.  So, naturally, I would start to see a need for a place like the NPN.  People can learn to market themselves so if they start a physical business or a completely online business, they can learn through these training videos that are provided. to create a way to get people to want to follow you and learn what you’re all about.  Building a list, I feel, is by far the most important thing you can do to create potential business partners or customers.  And after you create that list, you can sell them whatever you like!  Create a list of people who you know will honestly be interested in what you have to say and what you have to sell, and you can make a lot of money doing things from you home that you enjoy a whole lot more than going to that “9-5” job.  I know I sure would.


Be honest with yourself, don’t you think you could use a little extra money in your pocket?  No one ever expects those household appliances to breakdown, or your roof to leak.  But let’s face it, these things happen.  So in those cases I want to be prepared.