I keep getting hooked into these “Done-For-You” projects that probably should not be using that moniker. They basically fit into 3 categories:
A) Life-Is-Great – performs as expected. Makes money. Sit back and drink wine.
B) It’s-Freakin-Magic-Trust-Me – I don’t know how it works, but it works. Now all it has to do is make money.
C) Done-To-You – You Got Screwed.
About 94% of the projects fall into Category C.
5.2% fit the description of Category B.
I gave it the benefit of the doubt for Category A – I’m still hopeful.
The Multiple-Income-Stream projects are split between B and C. Most I have not recouped my original investment.
Why I am Not Getting Conversions
I was whipped pretty badly by one of my “uplines” recently for not calling people 18 hours a day and hounding the heck out of them until they either told me to go away, or signed up to simply be compliant. Those in the last category usually close their account before the second monthly payment is due. I don’t know why — they drop off the face of the earth – phone numbers change, emails bounce. Absolutely no feedback. Simply not worth the effort to pursue them.
I’ve tried to contact those “downlines” that have signed up for my list, but never moved from that status. Most have no phone number, many have phony emails, and those that do answer the phone are not really interested.
Free Consulting
I am a professional consultant. I’ve had my own consulting firm since 1998 specializing in small business and IT. In my “day jobs”, I was also an experienced IT and Business Consultant, Quality Champion, Coach, Mentor, and Auditor. I kinda do this well.
I had several mentors (in my professional life) that took me under their wings, booted me in the butt when I needed it, and were at times brutally honest with me. I have great respect for those mentors — I feel I was a better manager because of it, and showed me a behavior I myself have modeled with my employees.
I make offers EVERY DAY for people to allow me to listen to them, tell me about their business, and maybe make some suggestions — FOR FREE.
So, now that I am retired (this is the third time), I make this offer to “pay it forward” as my mentors have done with me. For Free. Do you think that ONE SINGLE PERSON has taken me up on that offer? Would it be different if I started off out of the gate quoting my going rate (in my business) of $80 per hour? Do I need to crawl into someone’s wallet to prove I am respectable, and honorable?
I know that on the Internet, it’s hard to tell the charlatans from the good guys, and there are more scammers than one cares to count, but that also leaves quite a gap for those of us honest people who offer, no strings attached advice and counsel.
I Miss Personal Contact But Hate Cold Calling
The thing I miss the most since I retired is the daily personal contact with people. I admit, I’m not good at cold calling, in fact I REALLY HATE IT. I don’t deal well with rejection.
It was different before I retired the first time, because, in the position I held, people would have to make appointments and wait in line to get audience with me. I was the subject matter expert in many areas, and many times, my approval was sought so someone’s project would get funded. At any given time, I had thirty engineering reviews in various stages of completion. My team of project managers, on any given weekend, had between 15 and 25 software releases being installed simultaneously. NOTHING went into production without me first doing a thorough engineering review, and then getting my sign-off.
I kinda feel now like I have to look up the list to see daylight. The dogs are higher on the totem pole than I am (actually, that’s backwards because the most important figure on a totem pole is on the bottom, or so they told us on our Alaska cruise). In either case, you get my drift. My job every day is to stay out from under foot with my wife. Keep busy, or not. Stay out of the way. Period. That’s the law. Ask her.
WomTown Promoter
The lack of human contact is probably why I signed up to be a WomTown City Promoter. Basically, I own website portals that provide business listings, classified and banner ads, among other advertising medium. I wander around, pick up business cards, menus, and flyers from local businesses, then create free business listings and premium classified ads for them. After “cooking” for several weeks, I then follow up with those business owners to show them how effective those ads are. I love the internet — great statistics that you would NEVER get from print and mailing advertising. When they upgrade to premium listings, I get paid.
I still get to meet some REAL PEOPLE. Usually, during the day, I am holed up in my home office with the 3 dogs. My wife is usually out somewhere. God knows what she does every day but I don’t need a GPS to track her – I get pinged every time there is a credit card charge. Like getting a massage when I put my cellphone on vibrate. Better tracking than the NSA.
Every week or so, I’ll wander to some area of the 4 cities I promote, and go door to door at local businesses. I talk to the owners, and collect business cards and email addresses. Sadly, this is my social life, but I like talking to people.
I’ve been rambling. I needed a break from some intense creativity building sales funnels for the websites I have up for sale. I do really love the technical stuff and while frustrating at times, it comes easy to me. I spent a career doing just that, but this marketing stuff is foreign to me. It’s hard for me. I have to work hard to do what many marketers do as second nature.
I think it might be a right-brain, left-brain thing. Oh,well. You know what? “Senior Moments” effect both sides of the brain equally. Just another reminder that I am not what I once was, I don’t have the quick whit and capabilities I used to have, it’s harder for me to switch gears and learn new things, and there are body parts and body functions that either don’t work anymore, I cannot feel them, or all I feel is pain.
Getting old sucks.
My wife says that the only thing that hasn’t changed with me is the b*llsh*t. She’s probably right.