
Working hard from Myrtle Beach

Myrtle Beach



Working hard.

From Myrtle Beach SC, sitting on our balcony overlooking the beach, sipping coffee, watching other vacationers dig in the sand for sharks teeth.  I didn’t realize that was a big thing until I asked someone what they were digging for.

I got 7 new signups while doing the 14 hour drive to get here on Saturday.  5 while on the beach yesterday.  So… this business on autopilot thing might be working after all…


My company has launched Life Balance Network, a network of blogs, review sites, video sites, and webstore e-Commerce sites. I maintain about 25 or so websites. For a description of all of our networks, see the announacement at FoodsSource.com I retired the first time after 32 years as a senior manger in IT at a Fortune 50 company, then the second time after 6 years doing "consultative selling" for an international computer peripheral company. Besides my "day jobs", I've had a real estate investment and property management firm, I ran a successful small business and IT consulting firm since 1998, and have helped many small businesses get started. My background is primarily technical in IT, consulting, and auditing, so the marketing "stuff" is fairly hard for me (been doing it for about two years). I've gotten hooked up with several very prominent names in Internet Marketing, whom I consider my Internet Marketing mentors. They have taught me more in several days working with each of them than I learned in almost a year doing this on my own. I'd love to pass on what I've learned to you. I am retired for the third time, and spend my time blogging, building websites, and dabbling in Internet Marketing. My consulting practice is now closed, so any advice or consulting I do now is FREE. It is my way of "paying it forward", as my mentors have done for me. Feel free to call, email, or skype. These are my direct contacts. Rich Moyer richard.moyer.1953@gmail.com Skype richard.moyer.1953 484-902-8819 M-F 8am-5pm Eastern USA