The Key on Twitter is being Social with a real person not automated!
Hi, my name is Joe Whitford. New on Twitter just started it building my first website with GlobalNPN created my website The tools are there to make you more efficient not something you just turn over to a computer and set on ignore. It’s called “Social Media” and not digital broadcast for a reason. The point is to be social, make connections, and share ideas with others. If you are just looking for more ways to blast out more stuff so you can get more traffic to your content marketing blog you are doing Twitter wrong. The Key on Twitter is being Social with real person not automated!
What is Spawned on Twitter Rant?
What is Spawned on Twitter Rant? Am I turning into a crotchety old man, I am only really forty-two years old LOL, or did I have an epiphany this irritated me a bit because I have worked on things with some of these people and several of the writing about social selling! These people look busy with dozens of tweets a day, many of them mentioning peers… but it’s obviously all automated. It’s an illusion of presence.
The cold hard facts is this … You can’t. Many of these people are in a group together. Their streams are full of mentions, but all they are doing is auto-tweeting about each other. Yes, it extends reach, but they are missing the point. You need to engage with your audience not to give the illusion of engagement.
How To use social media group marketing on Twitter.
Look, I’m not advocating for everyone to stop using the tools that are out there. In fact, I think they are great! I use few social media marketing tools myself. There is nothing wrong with that at all.
What I’m asking people to do is think about their branding them self and how to manage and grow it through building solid connections and relationships. Really think about your social media group marketing and consider whether you are helping or harming your brand.
Social media is the easiest place to do that. Remember the point of social media is to build connections and be social. Yes, as marketers or salespeople we do this to drive business, sell a product, or spread a social cause. However, the key difference between social media and traditional media is our ability to have a conversation. If you look at a few days of your twitter stream and all you see is a long list of your own links you are doing Twitter wrong.
“It’s obvious, to focus on your audience … right?”
See an article you like? Say thank you! Reach out to people! Notice someone tweets on a topic you love? See someone asking a question? Ask a question! Answer it or offer to help! Use a Twitter Poll. Set up lists of interesting people so you can follow them more closely. Make an effort to engage one or two people a day and over time, you will see your own click-through rates climb. Your blog traffic will improve, and you will get more retweet. Why? Because people remember the people who engage them and are more likely to notice and re-engage if they had a positive experience with you the first time.
The short answer is this … You can’t. Many of these people are in a group together or social media group marketing. Their streams are full of mentions, but all they are doing is auto-tweeting about each other. It extends reach, but they are missing the point. You need to socially engage with your audience not to give the illusion of engagement. That’s the things I have found out it since, I joined Twitter on December 30, 2017 this blog is on January 6, 2018. I only been a member for one week. My information is down below.
For Discussion
Here are some ways we can discuss “People on Twitter are not socializing the right way”!
Are you socializing the right way to engage with “Real People” not automated on Twitter? Know what I mean?