
Your Never Ending Traffic Funnel System

“Reveled….The Step

By Step Formula To

Drive Massive Amounts

Of Traffic To Your Site

Using Safelists

This is a FREE TUTORIAL on Using Safelists EFFECTIVELY

and Productively.Take a little time, Read this report and you’ll

be on your way to becoming a Safelist Expert in

Minutes. If you’re new to this Safelist stuff, then STOP for a minute

and take a look at this very easy concept. I’m going to reveal to you

everything right now for free. Everything you have to learn is all right here

on this page. It will take time to go through the Safelists and click on the ad

for credit. You can easily earn 1,000’s of credits a day to get to use for your


If that’s what you want, then read on.

Before we get  started bookmark this page and print it because you will refer

to it many times when you’re new with this.

Ready to get started?

Step 1

This will probably be the most time consuming step…listed below are 10 of the best Safelists on the web. That I highly recommend you join first to get started. Some of these you might use already. If so great!!! If not I strongly recommend you join the ones you are not members of. The other 5 Safelists I would join after you get the hang of it and to earn a bit more safelist credits.

I am not an owner of any of theses and my information on theses sites is compiled from many of the top listed ranking sites. Below are the BEST sites. I advise you to use the same username and password for all the Safelists so it will be easier for you to remember when you login. IMORTANT:  While you join each Safelist make sure you keep track of your affilate pages. You will need them later to brand this page with your information.

 1.FreeSafelistMailer    2.Surfers2U    3.Traffic-Fusion    4.HitSafari    5.Traffic-Splash

6.TrafficG   7.TezkaTrafficPower   8.TopHitsForU   9.Hit2Hit   10.ILoveHits

11.EasyHits4U   12.TrafficAdBar   13TrafficSwirl   14.WorldsLargestSafelist   15.Adtactics

Step 2

Is setting up a Capture Page exactly like the one you entered your email information into and in doing so, recieved the Never Ending Traffic Funnel System report. This is a very important part of getting people to respond to what you have to offer and to request information about your system just like you did. Having a company that provides unlimited marketing tools is very important as well.

I highly recommend GlobalNPN
.  If you combine this business with all the steps you are about to learn, you will easily see how to start making a home business income and have a system in place that other people can follow and do the same. The process of duplication is so important.

Use the Unlimited Capture Page Generator included when you join GlobalNPN. To create a Capture page just like the one you responded to. It is really simple to do and if you ever get stuck or need any help my personal email is ftld1963@gmail.com. I am real person that wants you to succeed.

Step 3 

Besides the Capture page you will also  need to have something that will send the information to people when they request it and follow up for you. That is when a Blog that this page was linked like this one comes in handy or you can use an Autoresponder that will send set messages. Again all the tools, the Capture Page, Blog and the Autoresponder are available when you join GlobalNPN and that is not all, there is a complete marketing suite put in place for your ultimate success and designed for you to succeed. 

Once you set your Blog up with the message you are reading right now. You are ready to put the code from your autoresponder in the Capture Page you created. 

Then you just right click on each Safelist. Click edit link and put in your website/member information for each Safelist and also change the GlobalNPN member information to yours as well. When you join and if you are serious about making money. You will. It is that simple. If this is confusing to you or you do not understand how to do it. I will gladly help you through all this. I know this can be confusing and I will gladly walk you through this process either over the phone or via my email ftld1963@gmail.com                                                         


Always use your capture page as your squeeze page when advertising on Safelists. A splash page is a fast loading webpage with a Powerful Headline, A brief sub-headline, bulleted summary of the best benefits and a call to action linked to the Site Sales Page and can be read in less than 20 seconds. While a squeeze page is exactly the same as a splash page, except it has a lead capture form to collect names and emails of your site visitors. You will be using a SQUEEZE page. If You are not using a Splash or squeeze page, Your site will never be noticed no matter how good the sales page is.   


Now is when it gets fun. A Safelist is a membership site of people who have agreed to add their name to a database so that they can send messages to all other members of that Safelist without being accused of spam. Once you join the safelists. I also would recommend using the same username on them. It just makes it easier when login in. Also, make sure to create a separate filter in your email program for each safelist…… All your titles and what you should use for ad copy will be provided for you through us. This is not the business where once you pay you are left to fend for yourself. We have worked hard to provide you with the tools. For you to succeed. Now all you need to do spend time building credits and sending your own safelist ads. That is all there is to it.

How Would You Like To Make a True Residual Income?

A small investment could turn into an amazing income. Click the GlobalNPN link below to watch the 6 minute video. It could change your life. I look forward to seeing you on my team. GlobalNPN See how to start making money by using this system and have other people want to follow and do the same.

Your Partner in Success,

Laura Gregory


Internet Marketing Mentor