The right thing to do.
Integrity. Doing what is right even when no one is watching.
No one aingle person is an authority on the subject of integrity. At onenpoint or another everuone has done something that didn’t “pass the smell test”.
That is to say, when you look back and think for a moment you realize that perhaps what you did may not have been the best or the most right thing to do.
But it takes courage and and a special person to admit having done the not-so-right thing when no one was watching.
Ask yourself..have I always done the right thing? Your answer, if you’re honest with yourself, might surprise you.
Go ahead…try it!
Human beings are not perfect. We make mistakes.
But, we make ourselves better when we hold ourselves accountable for the things we do.
Now that you have taken the test, will you be a btter person going forward?
Of course you will. You have integrity. You know right from wrong.
You will do the right thing even no one is watching.
Click here to see my go-to source for doing the right thin.