5 Ways to Fail at Email Marketing
How many ways are there to really mess up at email marketing? Let me count the ways! There are at least an equal number of ways to do things wrong as there are to do things right.
There may even be more ways to do things wrong than right. There is usually only one right way but something there are multiple wrong ways.
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1.A marketing email must be formatted so that it can be read in any email delivery system. All email delivery systems do not use HTML. Some only use plain text.
Plain text is only ACSII characters. Those are the characters that you can see on your keyboard. The only program that comes on your computer that uses only ACSII characters is Note Pad.
Use that program to write your email marketing messages. Not doing that is one of the primary ways to fail at email marketing.
2.Plain text email delivery systems will deliver messages that have lines longer than 65 characters but all of the characters greater than 65 will be scrambled. The email message will be a lot of gibberish. This is yet another way to fail at email marketing.
3.Marketing email messages should only promote one product or one service at a time. Multiple products and services advertised at the same time will lead to email marketing failure.
4.Links that are sent word-wrapped will not appear as clickable links in plain text email delivery systems. The recipient will only see the words.
They wont see the link and they wont know what the link is. Not sending full website addresses is another way to guarantee email marketing failure.
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5.Marketing emails that are filled with misspelled words and poor grammar will cause the recipients to think that the sender is not all that bright or, maybe just uneducated. This is yet another way to fail at email marketing.
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5 Ways to Fail at Email Marketing
Thank you, and have a nice day,
Regards Anthony Wayne Daniell.