Now that we have arrived at the conclusion that we, each one of us is responsible for the “Condition our Condition is in” (Kenny Rodgers again) the question becomes “What de hell we gonna do bout it”
We do have some choices, the first and probably the easiest is to ignore the signs and continue on with no change until you explode,
Or we could get smart and think the others in our circle of contacts, you know, like the wife and kids, other family members close friends, the government (after all if you’re gone who they gonna tax?), and of course that fellow in the mirror.
Now the question migrates to “What do we want to accomplish!”Are you’re desires focused around becoming the next “Arnold” or
Perhaps for the ladies would looking like this interest you, this is Sarah
Though both of these are after pictures, I think you get the idea of the possibilities. But before engaging in the process you have to decide what you want to accomplish, That is the first step. Next we can begin to decide how we are to accomplish the goals. See you then.