
Discussion And How It Should Be

Last night while I was busy scheduling posts from Hootsuite I noticed posts started popping up from Global NPN.  At first I ignored it and went on with what I am doing.

After five minutes it keeps coming so I told myself it must be good but then my focus was not at the group.

In the meantime, Rebel whose sitting a few steps from me started talking so every time I heard him saying something I looked at him.  Apparently, he was talking to his screen.

Then, more posts came in and that’s were I noticed Rebel was typing non stop and heavily with his keyboards.  But, I still had no idea what was he was up to.

Within a few minutes I finally finished my schedule posts, so I  checked out NPN group.  I started reading the latest about (Get Push Notifications Free For Your NPN Pages).  I browsed all the way at the bottom and I saw Rebel was engaged with the conversation.


I looked at him and realized then it was the reason why he was typing so fast.  He was having a conversation with a couple of members.  They were discussing about the advantage and disadvantage of the (Get Push Notification). Conversation progressed and now they talked about blogging and other topics.

By that time I started to got entertained and I do really enjoyed what they were talking about.   I was giggling with all their opinions.  At the end of the conversation I ended up being revealed as Rebel’s partner which was not a big deal.  I can’t believed one thread ended up with 110 replies.

What I learned from the discussion was…. the openness of the people that were involved were cool.  They were not there to bash each others but rather helping one another.  With the discussion they were in, ideas came to life which was just totally awesome.

I was belong to another closed group and the atmosphere was so different from NPN.  The first group that I was in is not about helping one another.  Most members were there to promote themselves, mostly only response to their clicks friends and some people talked about “Teamwork” but it is pretty obvious they don’t know what teamwork is really all about.

I am grateful for this group because they taught me such a wonderful lesson of helping one another as well asking questions.

NPN Global not only offer a good place to learn but they have other features that someone can immerse to from emails, website, tracking and media tools for such a low monthly price.  We been only with this group for two months but the learning is robust.

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