Sheep Gonna Be A Pointer

I saw him practicing out in the field.

I happened to be driving past this flock of sheep the other day.   Most of the sheep were in a large group.

Except for this one particular.

He was standing off by himself, facing the empty field.  And he looked just like a pointer.
You know, those dogs that point towards where the game is on a hunting trip?

Anyway, my mind came up with a conversation going on between the pointer sheep and another random
sheep in the flock.

“Frank…Frank! What the heck are you doing?”


“Oh, hey Bob. I’m practicing.”

“Practicing? Practicing what?”

“I’m practicing being a pointer. I’m gonna go on hunting trips and point at game for hunters.”

“Frank, we’ve been over this before. You’re a sheep.
You hang around in the field eating grass until someone needs a sweater. Then you get sheared.

That’s what we do, Frank.”

“Well, I’m tired of that, Bob. So I’m practicing, and someday I’m gonna be a pointer.”

“You’re crazy, Frank.”

“Maybe, but just you wait and see. Someday I’m gonna be a pointer.”

Besides the fact that I have a weird mind and a crazy sense of humor, what does this little anecdote have to do with marketing?

Maybe nothing.

But if you’re like most people, you’ve heard from at least one well-meaning friend or family member that you should just stay in the box and forget about reaching for your dreams.

I think there’s a better way to be.

Be like Frank the sheep who’s gonna be a pointer.

Reach for your dreams.

You can find all the tools necessary to make your marketingdreams come true right here

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