
Real Astounding Resources For Marketing and Making Real Money

As you are reading this post, I am going to assume that you are already working online in some form or other perhaps affiliate, marketing, on or offline business services, ecommerce.

Or you may be someone at the point in your life when you are starting to consider whether or not online business is for you, maybe even decided it IS but dont know where to get started.



For me the online business opportunity has been a journey of decades and have found that to be professional and responsive with your business you need tools, just like any other business or trade.

As you may imagine, over a period of decades, I have tried and tested oodles of things to make my business “slicker”, more manageable and allow me to expand.

Do you already have a list of tools that you know you need?

The Basics:

Website or Blog


Hosting for the above

The basics, really are MUST HAVE’s, and I know this only to well as this is the backbone of the Web Development service I own, but I also know many people think that once they have the basics, “Thats it, job done”…..well if you want a website that hangs about like a cold fish and offers the viewer nothing other than a basic business card….then yes, that is IT.

From the basics, every business with an online presence, whether trading offline or online, needs a means of collecting enquiries and swiftly acknowledging those enquiries.



A way of responding to the potential lead or even a current client in as little time as is possible…..a way of broadcasting offers and news to people. The latter, if you are not already aware, is covered off by an Autoresponder service.

Autoresponders allow you to collect leads, automate initial response, broadcast newsletters and much more…for me and most business people online, this should also be in your “Basics” list for starting out or building what you already have.

If you are serious about your new or existing business you will always be looking to expand your offerings and of course increase your income, this can be done with just the components I have mentioned. However, a natural flare for technology and/or knowledge of “How it all works” is something else you really need.

Back to the title of this post “…..Tools of The Trade”, I pretty much have them all…..not to boast but if you consider I have had online business concerns for decades, I guess you may kinda expect me to have them. I am certainly NOT going to disrespect any of the companies I have tried and tested, they are good services….they ARE NOT GREAT SERVICES!!!

Trying out some of the household names in marketing for businesses has left a legacy of disappointment and a feeling that whilst they do offer a good service, they dont offer a FULL SERVICE….they each seem to fail to have the full tool kit.



So, what do you do?

Generally, you buy into a service for your websites, another for your autoresponder, another that gives you the necessary training and ongoing support….you can see how you very quickly rack up a massive ongoing bill for services…the tools of the trade, that impacts your bottom line significantly.

Can you reduce all these costs and get even bigger valuable resources?

Well, I am here to tell you, up until a very short time ago, I thought the answer was that you couldnt and you have to bite the bullet…

I have Director Access to a system that covers off everything I have outlined here……..and some!!!

The system puts you in the driving seat of your online business in a massive way and will reduce your outgoings because it is a “One Stop Shop”.


Want to have a peek?

Like a $1.00 Trial?

Oh, I almost forgot, this company also offers you the chance to resell their services and make a residual income from it….and yes, they give you all the training and resources you need to be able to do that!!!


All you need do now to pick up your $1 Trial with every Tool of The Trade is