My First Affiliate Training Program That Worked

Hi All,

Today, I want to talk with you about my first affiliate program that worked…

It was hard work, but very informative, and the training was awesome…

I learned how to build a wordpress website, not from scratch, but hosting, but everything else was all me.

It was hard work, with creating content everyday, 1,500 words…

While keeping in mind the keywords I wanted to get for the search engines to recognize, in order to rank in Google, Bing and Yahoo.

I learned how to add links, images, videos, webinars, and any other type of information I wanted to get out to people in the internet world looking for anything to do with golf.

Golf was my life back then and I wanted to share all the information that would help golfers succeed with their goals.

Promoting on certain pages, posts, but not all were promotional pages, it was more about guiding golfers to certain kinds of golf courses in the U.S. as well as the world. And then answering questions they had about the courses I was promoting…

Once I wrote a 2,000 word post about how golf came about, and where golf started, and how it had changed through- out the years, it was fun to do…

I sold many golf packages, video packages, as well as golf clubs, golf attire, anything you can think of that was golf related, but it was getting to be a lot more work than I had time for, however I still did it for 2 years, until I injured my foot and couldn’t golf anymore, and the passion wore off. I haven’t been able to golf since the injury…

So a long story , but I will shorten it up by saying it was wonderful while it lasted, and the PROGRAM, TRAINING SYSTEM FOR AFFILIATES that I am talking about is called Wealthy Affiliate, you should check it out. I am not an affiliate anymore, but here is a link for you to go and check it out for FREE:

Okay, so that is just a little of my back story and I will be posting MORE about my journey to GlobalNPN!

If you have any questions or just want to leave a comment, please do below and I will get back with you as soon as I can.

Take Care,




Hi there, My name is Bobbi Herland and I have been involved with Marketing in one way or another for the past 4 years. I have made some money, and lost some money, but I have learned so much along the way. The education that I have received through Entre Institute as well as GlobalNPN is so valuable, that I wouldn't be able to do what I do without them. I am a 58 y.o. Grandmother of three beautiful grand daughters, and the mother to 1 son, who is my rock. I love to go riding on ATV's, fishing, biking as well as golfing (which I haven't been able to do since my foot injury in 2016). My foot injury has kept me out of my chosen career and I found myself wanting to work from home, it took me awhile to get the whole picture of marketing (I still don't know everything), I am learning something new all the time, but at least I am working, and not just going through the motions, and living off of disability. I am proud of the work I am doing, and it is also fun. You get to meet so many like minded people from all over the world. Can't get any better than that. I could go on and on, but I just wanted to share a couple of things about myself and why Marketing (Affiliate Marketing) is wonderful, unpredictable at times, but the best decision that I have ever made. All The Best, Bobbi

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