
21 Jump Street

In this action-comedy based on the 1980s-debuted TV show, Jonah Hill and Channing Tatum play youthful undercover cops who work the local high school. There to investigate a drug ring, the guys find that much has changed since their own school days.

This is what the 2004 film “Starsky & Hutch” should have been like. Ben Stiller and Owen Wilson could learn a few things from Jonah Hill and Channing Tatum. I did not care for the 2004 film but thoroughly enjoyed this one.

I have to come out and admit I did watch the original 21 Jump Street back in the 80’s. It had more of a serious tone to it. It wasn’t the best show out there but I still did enjoy it. I did like it when Johnny Depp and Peter DeLuise were “The McQuaid Brothers” in a few episodes. It was nice to see Jonah Hill and Channing Tatum going undercover as them. This was a nice homage to the original.

There were a lot of juvenile, sophomoric jokes in this but it was the nice moments in the movie I really appreciated. Jonah Hill played the dork character while Channing Tatum was the cool kid. They were not friends in High School but 7 years later become the best of friends in the Police Academy. When they go back to High School undercover their roles are reversed. This technique has been done numerous times in different movies but I really liked how this one played out.

I am giving this one 3.7 stars. It had humor, kindness and some really totally unexpected cameos. The cameos were so good I will not spoil them here. There are some crude scenes so this movie is definitely not for everyone.

Click here for the Netflix link in case you would like to add it to your queue.

All the best,

Alan Zibluk
The Internet Guy
e-mail: alan@alantheinternetguy.com

The Original Internet Guy Website (2004)

Who is Alan Zibluk – http://www.alanzibluk.com

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