This raucous rom-com chronicles the relationship of two busy singles, Dylan (Justin Timberlake) and Jamie (Mila Kunis), who agree to include sex in their friendship — minus the emotions and commitment. But things get complicated.
“Don’t walk behind me; I may not lead. Don’t walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend.” – Albert Camus
This movie is mostly fluff. I am okay with it as we all need a diversion from time to time. It is good to see something the way it should be. I liked this film as the main characters were actually friends. They both were not trying to “pull the wool over somebody’s eyes.” This kindness and respect towards each other is what is missing in many different relationships I see every day.
You can shoot plenty of holes in this movie. Some things were just a little too convenient to be real but as I stated above sometimes we need an escape. I thought Woody Harrelson was a hoot as Dylan’s friend. I am giving this one 3 stars.
Click here for the Netflix link in case you would like to add it to your queue.
All the best,
Alan Zibluk
The Internet Guy
The Original Internet Guy Website (2004)
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