
Val smyth Exposes The Golden Ticket


Have you ever noticed – people in general shy away from life enhancing concepts that just may be the magic bullet they often dream about? People gravitate to the blockers and protect the very object that holds them back…Now I am not going to explain the “root of that evil” LOL here… But for those of you in the marketing arena — when you understand what people are attracted to and why — you found the “golden Ticket” …


Hey Folks, Val Smyth here ... I've been in the Home Based Business industry for 35 years. I've graduated from Nit Wit Marketer to Net Work Marketer to Corporate Executive, to eventually running my own Wealth Creation Company... My passion now is to teach and demonstrate how to build along term, life-time residual income via the Coffee Industry... 82% of the global population are Coffee consumers, so this offers the wise at heart the opportunity to excel beyond their wildest expectations if correct action is put into motion... I look forward to helping you live the DREAM! Val
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