
Sowing The Seeds Of Success – Reaping Benefits From Your Kindness

I am sure we are all aware of the parable of the sower. In this story, a sower dropped seed on the path, on rocky ground, and among thorns, and the seed was lost; but when seed fell on good earth, it grew, yielding thirty, sixty, and a hundredfold.

We can relate this to our network marketing business in a couple of ways. Your marketing needs to be in the right places to get the best results for your business. The experts track their ads and know what works and what doesn’t. It doesn’t make sense to keep using the same ad, same source, if you are not getting the results you want. One of the definitions of madness is;  TO KEEP ON DOING THE SAME THING AND EXPECT A DIFFERENT RESULT!

Don’t do that!

But what I am referring to in this post, is the way we treat our people, our members, our subscribers our prospects. As we treat them so we will get treated. One of the problems with unsuccessful network marketers is that they “recruit and leave.” What I mean by that, is that they are not there for their team. They are just happy to take the money and leave people to their own devices. You just wouldn’t do that in any other walk of life, so why would you do that in your network marketing business.

You need to be there for your people!

So sowing good seed in this respect is to provide good information to your team, pass on knowledge, be supportive and available. If you are having success with a particular strategy, share it.

One thing I have done recently is to provide FREE leads for new members of my team. I did an advertising CO-OP for them and they got a couple of dozen leads each. They just had to follow up. Of course, I provide an email campaign for them to use if they wish to use it.

Which brings me to my next point.

Commit to Being Kind

Commit random, spontaneous acts of kindness.  It makes you feel good. It helps others and you receive the blessings. It is another way to sow good seed into good ground.

 Zig Ziglar said in a recent article:

“There is a growing concern in the marketplace that lack of consideration for our fellow workers, and just downright rudeness, is affecting team spirit and productivity. It seems that the pressures increase as our electronic efficiency increases. There is the feeling in a super-efficient organization that to be more direct and action-oriented is the order of the day. Unfortunately, many people take that one step further and become rude and demanding. As a result, considerable discord in the company structure increases.

Zigs Solution?

“Basically, it’s to “lighten up,” to remember that the entire world is not revolving around what happens on your job today. A pleasant smile and a good attitude make a big difference. Research shows that if everybody read newspaper comic strips before they left home, and listened to some recorded jokes, inspirational tapes or soothing music as they drove, they’d arrive in a better frame of mind. Additionally, as Mama Ziglar said, “Everybody can’t be the smartest person in town, but all of us can be courteous and considerate of the other person.” A little courtesy, mixed in with a pleasant smile and a cheerful attitude, will diffuse a lot of people with short fuses. Courtesy could help you avoid serious problems, secure your job, and bring a promotion as well.”


Random acts of kindness in your business and personal life are like a pebble thrown into a lake. You may never know the positive effect you would have on others. That small gesture you make could change lives for the better.

Even the smallest thing, like complimenting someone, can bring joy. It’s the most spontaneous and unexpected acts of kindness that produce the greatest impact, and you can’t be sensitive to those kinds of opportunities unless you’re living in the moment.
In your personal life you could help an old or sick neighbor who doesn’t get many visitors?  You could give to a charity. You could give to a homeless person in the street. Put your change into a charity box when you pay at a shop counter. Lots of stuff.

In your Internet or Network Marketing business you could go out of your way to help someone. Even someone who is not in your business! As you help them this causes a ripple effect around the network marketing world.

Don’t be in such a rush. Take your time. Don’t get anxious about success. Keep doing small, generous things, and you will get your reward.

I hope you see what I mean by this post. I want to work with nice people. So I reckon if I am nice, nice people will be attracted to my business. I have many online friends. A very small percentage of them are actually in my business. I learn from them. They learn from me. They are successful in what they are doing. I am successful in what I am doing. One day they may join me. It doesn’t matter, because others will.

Have a great day being kind.

I am a fulltime network marketing coach. I provide a FREE member site and funded proposal for all of my Global NPN Members at http://globalelitesystem.com . This site provides help and advice on traffic generation, blogging, social networking. Apart from my Global NPN business, I am a team leader with Enagic's Kangen Water business opportunity.