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When you have made the decision to start your online business, you’re of course going to find a good, solid and reliable company to join. There are thousands of online opportunities to get involved with, so there’s plenty to choose from.
But hey, wait a minute…
How do you know the particular opportunity your looking at is legitimate?
This is of course a very important matter in order to avoid getting scammed and losing your hard earned money on some suspect business program, or maybe even illegal. There are a few things you can do to minimize the risk of being yet another victim of an online scam.
First of all, investigate if the company has some real contact information. Do they provide a real address, a name of someone you can get in touch with?
Do they provide a phone number and is someone answering the phone when you call them?
You can just make a quick call to the company, explaining that you consider joining them and just check if the staff or admin of the program is accessible. It doesn’t take more than one minute to figure that out.
Another obvious thing you should do is of course some research on Google. Type in something like “XXX review” or “XXX scam” in the search field (XXX is referring to the company/program name) and go through the results. That should give you a pretty good idea whether the company is good or not.
There might a few bad things about every company since people are very good at writing “dirt” about a company they’ve been involved with and didn’t succeed, mainly because of the lack of effort from themselves, so please think about that when you do your research. But as a rule of thumb, if less than 10% of the reviews are bad, you can consider the company a good one.
Another thing is of course to ask the person who’s inviting you to join the company (if any) to provide some proof that the company actually pays out the commissions that they promise.
Hard proof is always a good and reliable source and something you usually can rely on.
OK, there you go. Hope this helps you in finding the company/business program for you.
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