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Your Online To-Do-List
Following up on yesterday’s blogpost I’m happy to give you this video below where I show you how I use one of the most important tools in your business. It might seem like a small thing and many people don’t understand how important it is to actually use a tool like this. I know I didn’t “get it” for a long time. I thought everything would just work if I worked my butt off, and just kept on doing so.
Well, let me tell you… It just doesn’t work that way. Keeping yourself organized is one of the keys to your success. Like I said yesterday, you need to know what to do every day!
Here’s a video showing how I personally use the “Tomorrow List” which is part of the Global NPN membership. I hope you find it useful. And hey… it’s recorded with the screenrecorder which is part of the NPN GOLD and DIRECTOR membership.
OK, hope you like it guys. Let me know what you think.
Pst… Click the little button in the lower right corner of the video below and you’ll watch it in HD.
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Have a great day!
If you’re not yet a member of Global NPN which is my primary online business, then check the video in the top right corner and enter your primary e-mail in the field for more info.
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