
Make A Decision About Your Online Business

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Online Business – To Be Or Not To Be…

that is the question.

Since you now have read about The Foundation of your online business and you also have figured out “WHY” you’re going to do this, it’s now time To Make Your Decision whether to actually do it or not.

To be all honest, this step is really not a very difficult one – ONCE YOU HAVE TAKEN IT!

But still it’s one of the biggest blocks for anyone considering changing their life in terms of financials.

Why so?


Uncertainty is our biggest fear

Yep, that’s the plain truth. When something comes around, no matter how good it is, we always put on our “defense shield” which mainly consists of pre-judgement (although we’ve learned not to pre-judge) and scepticism (because we’ve been raised to believe that only the life we currently have is safe and good enough).

Well, B–LLSH–T!!

When you drive your car and hit a roadcross where you’ve never been before, what are you doing? Just stopping and staying there or maybe even turn 180 degrees and go back to what’s known as “safe”? Hey, Get Real!

How did you meet your spouse? Was it someone delivering him/her to you and declared you to be a couple or married? Hello, Get More Real!!

How do you decide what to eat for dinner? Is it going to be chicken or fish… or… meat or soup… or will you just stay hungry??? HELLLOOOO – anybody home……?????


DECISION – Make A Decision!

It all comes down to making a decision. Choosing one thing in front of another. Simple as that!

When we talk about online business, it’s exactly the same process. You need to say a simple YES or NO to it. If you don’t, you’ll never get it off the ground. Don’t make a “try” and say, I’ll check it out for some time and see how it’ll go. That’s the worst thing you can ever do!

Being “non-able” to make decisions will very fast put you in the deepest, darkest hole you can imagine when we talk about selfconfidence and personal value. You’ll never achieve anything in your life. Yeah, really! I mean it.

You don’t have to say yes to everything, but you have to say SOMETHING!


Take The Step And Commit Yourself

Now I don’t try to sound rude or scare you in any way. I just say things as they are, through pure common sense. Say No to online business and move on with your life, well fine…


Say YES to online business and prepare yourself for a very pleasant ride (if you join the
right sponsor and business program of course). I’ll get back to these two things in a later post.

Commit yourself to work your online business to the set amount of time per week you can (I’ll also get back to that in a future post) and get a hold of your sponsor so he/she can help you get properly started.


Sacrifices, Set Asides And Time Management

I’ll only touch on this subject very briefly in this post (once again, I WILL return to it at a later date).

In order to run your business on a daily basis and do the tasks that are required to move your online business forward, you might have to sacrifice some things. I have no idea what it could be for YOU personally, but it could be things like a TV-show you watch “half sleeping” in the couch every night, or some timekilling game you play on one or another social media or whatever, that isn’t producing quality time for you. Don’t sacrifice quality time with your loved ones. That’s the most valuable asset you have, and your online business should preferably create MORE quality time with your loved ones. But depending on your schedule and your habits, you might have to set some things aside in order to favor and constructively work your online business.

So now you know how important it is to make a decision, and you know yourself best, so I guess you also know how you’re going to do this, right?

If you like this post, please comment below and share it with the social media buttons on the left. Also please hook up with me with the small social media buttons right below or above this post so we can connect for mutual help and benefit.

Have a wonderful day!


If you’re not yet a member of Global NPN which is my primary online business, then check the video in the top right corner and enter your primary e-mail in the field for more info.


 Find me on the following sites as well…

Meet Ulf Astrom on Facebook Meet Ulf Astrom on Google Meet Ulf Astrom on Twitter Meet Ulf Astrom on YouTube Meet Ulf Astrom on LinkedIn Meet Ulf Astrom on SiteTalk My Main General Blog My Main General Blog My Empower Network Blog



Ulf Astrom from Sweden. I'm a fulltime Internet Marketer who has been around in this industry for several years, although fulltime since 2011. The Internet is a wonderful thing and the option of working online (which means from anywhere in the world) appeals a lot to me. I write "option" because I truly believe it's a choice you make. There's so much guidance out there about how you can create your living online. I have taken part of lots of that information during the years and I now feel confident in bringing this on to other people. Follow my blog, join my Team in one or more of the business opportunities I recommend, and I'd be happy to take you by the hand and help you make money online. In my freetime I enjoy playing music. I've been a musician for many years and I still do some gigs every now and then. Family, friends, outdoor activities also fills my life with much joy. I like to meet people who see opportunities instead of limitations. People who don't whine and complain about everything. In short, positive minded people who wants to make the most out of life. Hope to hear more from you. Best Regards Ulf