
WHY – Is That A Part Of The Online Business Foundation?

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Just as important as it is to have a solid, reliable and well working product and/or service to sell or recommend, it’s also a vital part of your online business foundation to know the clear answer to the following question:

Ulf Astrom asks WHY Am I Doing This?





Why are you doing this?

Why have you settled for
running an online business?

What’s your purpose and
goal with it?

What’s your driving force?

These questions are very important, and I will now
explain why.

Pay Attention!


Running any business requires motivation. It takes hard work and dedication, and many times things will be really tough. Remember that the competition out there is very hard. So it’s VITAL that you have a very strong reason for doing what you do, or you will most certainly run a very high risk of giving up and failing sooner or later.

When talking about “Why” you do all this, then please don’t answer… “Because I want to make money”. I understand that, and everybody understand that. We all need money. It’s the purpose what you’ll do with the money that is interesting when you figure out “Why” you’re doing this.

And not only the purpose of what you’re going to do with the money, but also the feeling that you want to achieve yourself as a person when you start to make money from your online business.

Some of us search for a kind of acknowledgement and/or approval for what we do, and we try to achieve that through running a business and create some good results. This reason is often a result of past bad experiences in our lives, sometimes all the way back to our childhood and time in school.

A lot of people have some very specific goals with the money they’ll make from running their own business. It might be sending their kids to college, paying off debt, going on that dream vacation they’ve always wanted and much more.

Other people have other dedicated and specified purposes of what they will do with the money they’ll make. It might be honoring a specific charity or help organization, or family members in need. You know, a lot of people have their families spread out around the world and very often that is because of financial reasons. Family members have to go abroad to work hard and make more money than they can do back home, and then send the money back to their families. Often with the result that they have to stay abroad for a long time and not being able to see their loved ones for many months, sometimes even years.


Money Is A Dead Thing

Conclusion – Money In Its Physical Shape Is Completely Irrelevant…


You read that right. Once again, it’s NOT the money in itself, it’s what you do with them that matters. It’s how you mentally handle the good (hopefully) results you’ll get that matters.


Now, with what I’ve outlined above, you should be able to find your individual “WHY”, thus the path for you to walk with regards to your business should also very easily start appearing in your mind.

My final statement in this post will be:

“It’s not having the money itself that is financial freedom, it’s having the option to be able to choose what to do with the money and your life”

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Have a wonderful day!


If you’re not yet a member of Global NPN which is my primary online business, then check the video in the top right corner and enter your primary e-mail in the field for more info.


 Find me on the following sites as well…

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Ulf Astrom from Sweden. I'm a fulltime Internet Marketer who has been around in this industry for several years, although fulltime since 2011. The Internet is a wonderful thing and the option of working online (which means from anywhere in the world) appeals a lot to me. I write "option" because I truly believe it's a choice you make. There's so much guidance out there about how you can create your living online. I have taken part of lots of that information during the years and I now feel confident in bringing this on to other people. Follow my blog, join my Team in one or more of the business opportunities I recommend, and I'd be happy to take you by the hand and help you make money online. In my freetime I enjoy playing music. I've been a musician for many years and I still do some gigs every now and then. Family, friends, outdoor activities also fills my life with much joy. I like to meet people who see opportunities instead of limitations. People who don't whine and complain about everything. In short, positive minded people who wants to make the most out of life. Hope to hear more from you. Best Regards Ulf