Working Online from Home: Time to Take Action

Information overload is the name of the game when it comes to online marketing. There are endless resources out there, making it tricky to make the right choices. What’s the secret to a good traffic exchange? Who should you trust with your web hosting needs? How do you start building a successful email list? And don’t even get me started on autoresponders!

Well, fear not my friends, because I’ve done the legwork for you. After months of sifting through newsletters and devouring books, I’ve stumbled across some amazing sites that I wholeheartedly recommend. But wait, don’t just take my word for it. Test them out yourself and see the magic happen.

Now, let me give you a little background on yours truly. I’ve got years of experience in the world of international trade and good old import/export. I’ve worked with foreign trade organizations, manufacturing companies, and even ventured into the wild world of entrepreneurship both in Finland and abroad. Believe it or not, my areas of expertise lie in furniture, particularly waterbeds. Who would’ve thought, right?

But here’s the kicker. All that experience, all those piles of books and CDs, and my computer bursting with downloaded e-books and study aids, have led me to one simple truth. It’s time to stop studying and start taking action. BobTheTeacher, a wise soul in the online marketing realm, always says, “Take Action – Revise Later”.

Retired from traditional international trade. Now working online from home. Business Coach. Export Marketing Expert. Speciality Furniture manufacturing and marketing.
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