‘Sorry, It’s Just Not For Me’

Being new at Network Marketing, I was very surprised at the great start I had. I managed to have a downline of 19 within my first 3-4 months. That for me was a fantastic accomplishment & made myself feel on top of the world. Those results I never thought in a million years I could achieve. I was going strong and was excited about  helping these women become successful too.

Over the last couple of weeks though I have had a number of women cancel for various reasons. I went through a ‘lull period’ where I became down & slightly confused at the reason I was doing this ‘Network Marketing’ thing.

I started questioning myself about why they cancelled. Was it me? Was I not helpful enough? What was it that they weren’t understanding?

Just so you know, the No.1 reason is ‘It’s not For Me’. You will come up against personal reasons and other excuses too.

I have come through the other side & have learnt a few things (with thanks from my fantastic support group):

*You just have to let them go.

*Not everything is for everybody and there should be no need to ‘convince’ anyone. If people are generally interested in you and what you are offering they will join you and most likely be loyal.

*When you are conversing with your prospects, get to know their background, what they are looking for and try to accommodate for the individual circumstances.

*You prospects should display a real determination to succeed. They will show excitement and will most likely be in constant contact with you, leading up  to and following there registration.

*A good thing to remember, though, depending on your prospects reason for cancelling the cancellation may not always be forever. It may just be for the time being 🙂

*What you are essentially looking for is ‘Quality not Quantity’.  It may take some time but the most important part is not to give up. Be Patient & Consistent and the Persistence will Pay Off.

With anything in life, Network Marketing is a steep learning curve. I am constantly learning and I hope in writing this I will be able to help others.

If I can help you in anyway and are interested in learning more about what I do I am more than happy to share with you my experiences. Please click the banner below to learn more.






Since the birth of my daughter I had been searching for an opportunity, to keep myself at home, so I could help provide for my new 'little' family. In my search I came across the 'Better Women's Network'! It is 'the best' opportunity for any Woman experienced with online marketing or not. The 'Better Women's Network' is all about Women helping Women. We are working together to provide Support and Guidance so we ALL become Successful! And, it's EASY!! Feel free to Contact me if you need a change and would like to be a part of the 'Better Women's Network' Income Disclaimer

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  • folksey

    Quality not quantity. I love this. Great blog Melanie.

  • Great Blog Melanie 🙂

  • Luba Kanch

    Great points Melanie. You have mentions some important things to keep in mind. Thank you

  • Thanks for the encouragement, Melanie!

  • Great blog Melanie,excellent encouragement for people who are new to the industry. :0)