Empower Network and Team Inspire Taking The Internet Network Marketing Industry By Storm

Team Inspire

Team Inspire an up and coming Empower Network super team.

Is it possible that we’ll never make it to elite super team status within Empower Network, well I’m not gonna stop trying. Team Inspire has a lot going for it. We’ve got top notch veteran internet marketers in our leadership. We just started laying out groundwork for Team Inspire a week or two before the Austin, Texas “Release Your Inner Bad Ass” event.

I believe that myself and two other leaders on Team Inspire joined Empower Network in the very beginning. Our one leader got in early, but never really did anything with it. Like many veterans he really didn’t want to risk getting burned by a start up company. Boy does he regret it now. Once he started paying attention he realized what he had been missing out on, not just financially, but more importantly the vision that Empower Network is driven by.

You see, my friend has a team of 30,000 when you combine all of his businesses, he’s kind of spread himself out because he’s been burned before. Now though he get’s it, this isn’t just another start up, but a revolution.

With that in mind, this six figure earner is nearly ready to forsake all the other deals he’s in to focus on Empower Network and Team Inspire.

no bullThat’s no bull either LOL. So we’ve really begun cementing our own team culture with things like Live Google Hangouts, Facebook group, and a team training site. There is more to it then that of course. Our focus is solving the problem a new person has when they first start marketing online.

Team Inspire is a simple system for new members to plug into that helps them promote Empower Network and nothing else. By joining with a EN member that is in Team Inspire you get everything up above plus access to our team co-op and lead capture pages.

One of the keys for Team Inspires success and the success of our members is we are keeping everything exclusive. The only way to get access to it is to be on our team. I see other teams make the mistake of watering down something really good by releasing it to everyone.

It’s kind of a crumby move, in my opinion, when you do that, it kills the unique sales proposition you presented to the people that joined you originally. Below is one of our early Google Hangouts; it’ll give you a little insight into what we are about in Team Inspire.

If your ready to build an Empower Network team then join Team Inspire- just click below.


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