
It is the Provincial Election in BC today and yes I voted.
Canadian elections are not at all like American Elections, in comparison ours are pretty boring.

I am not a political person. I vote, I watch some of the election on tv but to me it is not very interesting. This doesn’t mean that I don’t know what is going on in the province it just means that I just don’t really like politics. My Mom was political and I used to watch CPac with her when she was still alive and my friend Dar is very political and we have some good talks, thank goodness we have a lot of the same political views or it could get pretty ugly. I always find that politicians talk and talk about nothing, can’t get a straight answer. When I ask someone something I want an answer not someone to pussy foot around the question until you are so confused or bored you forgot what you asked in the first place.

The votes are still being counted but it looks like the Liberals have won again.



PS. I didn’t vote for the Liberals and they won. I am very sad about this as I am tired of the liberals, and now they are going to sell off out province.





Donna Ruck

I have a love of all living things, especially my 3 granddaughters and my dogs. I love to work online and meet new people. My first blog post has everything about me on it. Thanks Donna

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