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XANGO I have been drinking Xango for a while now. I ran out early this month. Within 5 days of running out I was feeling so stressed and depressed. I have ordered an extra case to have on hand as

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New Beginnings

With being off with my ankle and having the grandkids here I have looked into what I am doing and I have decided I don’t want to do so much anymore. I am concentrating on my Grandkids, Dogs, House and

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Long time since I have done a post. So sorry.

It has been a very interesting 6 weeks. First of all I was bit by my own dog breaking up a fight between my 2 dogs. I have a 7 year old Chocolate Lab and a 1 year old Pit

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Parents, Children, Pets and Germs

I am a stickler for washing hands and bathing, I worked in a hospital as a RCA for 14 years and then owned a coffee shop, hand washing is very important to me. I also have 3 granddaughters and 2

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Dolphin Therapy for Autism

I just finished watching W5 on Dolphin Therapy for Autistic Children. This is truly amazing, is it because of the dolphin, is it the Therapist. We may never know but this is truly amazing. Dolphin Therapy Even if it is

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Please read, I borrowed this post from Mike Geary

I borrowed this post from Mike Geary I think it is very important for all to read this. Most of us don’t realize what the power of good nutrition can do for us. Please read, very important. I know this

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It is the Provincial Election in BC today and yes I voted. Canadian elections are not at all like American Elections, in comparison ours are pretty boring. I am not a political person. I vote, I watch some of the

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Pig Farms

This video is not for everyone, it is how some Canadian Farmers raise pigs. I belong to causes and I sign all sorts of petitions to get governments to change laws in different countries about the treatment of cats and

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  Pho, this is the most wonderful soup in the world. I eat the vegetarian version at least once a week (I am sure that even the vegetarian soup is made with the beef broth they make, I haven’t asked

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I am sorry I didn’t blog last night but I was watching the hockey game and having a few beer with my friend Jim. And being a responsible person I don’t drink and drive so I thought it best not

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Strange Days

I live in a quiet neighbourhood, rarely anything happens or so I thought. The stuff happening this last week is just strange. One evening I was out for dinner with a friend and my boarder calls me there are police

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My new Blog

I would like to introduce myself to you, I am Donna and I am here to help as many as I can retire in comfort. Or just live a more comfortable life, if you are to young you really don’t

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