
Manti Te’o

“Gimme Da Manti Te’o Jersey”

Look no further Manti Te’o fans get your Manti Te’o Jersey here, and find also all your Manti accessories and apparel. Manti Te’o in his very young career is already a highly decorated football player. Since high school he has been breaking and receiving all sorts of awards and recognition. By now, we all know that Manti Te’o will not only be a great player, but a Legend!

Notre Dame Fighting Irish Men’s Football Jersey

by adidas

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#5 Green Jersey








 Navy Replica Football Jersey

Notre Dame Fighting Irish #5







Find More of >> Manti Teo Jersey



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manti te'o jersey

Norte Dame Fighting Irish


 To find more Manti Te’o merchandise go here





Even Lou Knows BCS National Championship Navy T-shirt


BCS National Championship t-shirt

News on Manti Te’o:

Despite coming up short to Texas A&M’s Johnny Manziel for the Heisman Trophy — whose mom and dad donned a lei and Kukui nuts, respectively, after the family befriended the Hawaii native — Te’o did not think his Heisman run marked a dead end for players on his side of the ball, citing his record 1,706 points, the most ever by an exclusively defensive player.

Read more by Matt Fortuna | ESPN.com

manti te'o jersey



Notre Dame Football News And Talk – BCS Teo BLUE Jersey


Originally Posted by notredameroom View Post
That jersey will sell for more than $10,000 easy if it goes up for sale.
His Shamrock Series jersey sold for $7,500.

I’d venture to guess it’d be closer to $15k…for a bowl patched jersey of a player of his calibre…and if they win the game…might even fetch $20k…

Like I said, a bowl patch is gold. I had Bill Mitoulas’ Orange Bowl jersey and sold it for more than $1000 and I think he was in on a play or two of special teams that game.


For more on Manti Teo please visit >> http://mantiteojersey.com





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