This Post is dedicated to a Family business who started off already in the late 60`s.
MLM or Multi Level Marketing is going hand in hand with Products and Sponsoring. If you leave one of them out you loose and get nowhere. In order to be successful you need to build an organization, which you have to teach to do the same: BUILD AN ORGANIZATION.
It`s also a number game, the more you sponser the happier you are. VERY WRONG! Yes you sponser, but you work with your 2-5 to teach them to do the same with there 2-5 sponsored. They have to learn to teach there 2-5 and teach the next level to do the same. Only this way you are happy and your ORGANIZATION will be happy and successful. It sounds great to have 100 in your first level but no response to your communication with them, they might sponser also a few but slowly they will start running away and whoever they sponsored do the same not knowing what to do.
MLM for me is like a bus and me as driver. You jump on and start the engine. With your first sponsored you get the first level in gear and slowly start moving. No sponsored no gear noway to move. As you keep on going in first you will get your second and third in first gear and they will provide the sponsored for the second level in gear and so on, until you get your 5th level in gear. Now you are set to sit back, stay in contact with your Down- and Upline to answer their questions.
Anyone thinking Joining a business, sitting back and doing nothing, and still get good money paid should wake up, because he is dreaming.
On the last sentence you will see I only put HE, because unfortunate SHE (besides a few exceptions) got a slight advantage, teaching and caring for there loved ones for their whole life , far more than HE ( Ok, including myself—-” but working on that as so many befor me”), doing the same with their Downline if they ever start a homebusiness. The Book from Don Failla, The 45 Second Presentation helps you to get to know everything about MLM.