
Planters Peanuts says “Believe In Its Power” motivational speech

Planters Peanut Power

Planters Peanut takes the stage as a motivational speaker in a new ad campaign from ad agency Being from New York. This new campaign is intended to spread the word about the “power” of the peanut. The campaign theme line is “Believe In Its Power.”

In one of the online videos, seen below, Mr. Peanut takes the spotlight on a dramatically-lit stage and he powerfully mesmerizes the audience with his glib speech that makes him sound as if he were indeed a motivational speaker sent to pump up an audience and make them believers. In this instance, Mr. Peanut wants to make viewers believe that even though the peanut may be small in size, it is packed with seven grams of protein and six essential nutrients.

Planters Peanut Says “Believe In Its Power”

So if Mr. Planters Peanut can believe so can you.  The essence of the campaign is to believe in yourself.  For online marketers, one of the key things about being successful is to believe in the success you will have and you will have that success.  To succeed one must always stay focussed on what the end goal is and remind oneself on a daily basis of that end goal.  The reason is because when you work towards something, it provides one with a purpose and when you have purpose you have the fortitude to keep doing what needs to be done to get and attain your goal.

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