Automation! The New Buzz Word…Is It Working For You Yet?

Hey everyone! This is a little something that has been on my mind so I figured I would write it out. It’s actually fun. This is the first blog I have ever written. I included my website link in here. If that is not what I should be doing just let me know. Enjoy!

I have been online for three years now and have spent tons of money and time getting to where I’m at. I’m always online checking things out and seeing what type of programs out there are popping up. I’m noticing this trend towards “Automated Marketing Systems”. Maybe you’ve noticed yourself. Maybe you’ve purchased one or some and realized that they truly are not “Automated”. You still have to advertise and market. True automation works the same as in the offline world where the big boss goes off to golf or something else while all of his employees get the job done so the boss’s bottom line remains in the green. All the boss does is look at the numbers to make sure they remain in the green and a healthy profit is being made. There is only one system that I have come across that will truly do that for you.  It is the only one that you truly set up once and forget about it while your employees work the system for you. Yes, I said employees. They are actually people who understand how marketing,advertising, and promotion work. They are the one’s you pay each month to build your business so you are in the green and earning a healthy monthly profit. The amount you pay them is far less that you would ever pay trying to advertise and market on you’re own. I ran some numbers on a site called “usfreeads” just to see what it would cost me monthly to run the advertising and marketing myself. Ready? 473.64! Do you have that kind of money set aside? How about the time? Most don’t and I bet you have wasted more than that in an attempt to at least make one sale. These developers design programs knowing that you have to market and advertise yourself, yet they tell you to sign up pay your one time fee and you’ll be making money sooner than later. That is just not the case. It takes time to build a business. On or offline. You’re not going to be able to quit your job in thirty days. I signed up for a program back in the day that guaranteed I would make money within 24 hours (Hey, who wouldn’t do this at least once. Sounded amazing). So I paid my one-time fee and BINGO! The guy was right, I did make money within the 24 hour period. He was totally telling the truth! I paid a 25.00 one time fee and made 0.12 in return! Now I bet you have done this many times over and if you were to add up all those one time fees you would be sick in your stomach. Yes, it is a fact that a monetary investment is always going to be needed in order to start a business. It is also a fact that a continued investment will be needed in order to keep that business going and profitable. Where you work now had to spend money to get started and has to continue to spend money to keep going or you will be looking for another job. It’s no different online. You can’t start a business for free and keep it profitable for free. It doesn’t exist. Besides, as a new business owner you can write off all of these expenses at the end of the year. Free programs do exist, but you have to ask yourself. If it’s free then how do I get paid? There is no money coming to this program because everyone is signing up for free so how on earth is it possible to profit?
Educate yourself:

Be honest – Be valuable,
Brent Johnson

Have been marketing online for three years as an affiliate mostly. Recently set up a website in order to begin selling on eBay as well. Intention for making the move to an online business was simply one of convenience. Although it does take a good amount of time and research to run the business online it is definitely worth it.

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