The best way to answer to this question is:
- What is it? Global NPN is a self contained suite of marketing tools and systems that provide you with an “all-in-one” solution for your online marketing needs.
- Why use it? Global NPN can be thought of as the foundation of your online business. Whether you are advanced or just beginning you need online tools such as an autoresponder, tracking system, communication tools, capture pages, and a compensation plan. You will learn to use it step-by-step. That is the only way to learn any new skill. Your first step will be setting up your NPN Instant Blog. From there you can go on to setting up your autoresponder, then look at ways to generate leads. It is all in Global NPN.
The Global NPN products are high-end, yet very affordable no matter what level of experience you’re currently at; they are NECESSARY for your online business.
As Geoff Stephen, Founder of Global NPN, explains:
If you look at how all the internet millionaires make their money, you may have noticed that they NEVER lead their sales pitch with trying to recruit you to a MLM business opportunity. They never sell their MLM up front; it’s always presented somewhere deeper in their marketing funnel. Do you think there might be a reason for that? Of course there is.
They know that maybe only 10-20% of their prospects will ever join them in their chosen MLM company, so why would they waste their time trying to recruit up front when they know they can generate a large cash flow FIRST before ever presenting their MLM to their prospects.
So what do they do? The big money earners online always lead with a product or program that offers “generic marketing tools and/or how-to information products”. I’m not making this up, this is how it’s done. Why do they do it this way? Because they know that they can sell “generic tools” to a much larger audience immediately to build an “upfront” income for themselves – long BEFORE they try to get someone to join their MLM.
A while ago I read this gem on a sales page:
“Stop digging for gold, sell shovels instead!”
FACT: There will always be people “digging for gold” in online marketing. But in order to dig for gold, they ALL need shovels. They can go and dig wherever they like, but no matter where they go, as I said, they’ll still need shovels to get the job done.
So what do gold and shovels have to do with NPN?
The NPN provides the necessary tools and systems that every eMarketer needs in order to be successful online. No matter what products/programs they’re selling, they NEED the tools to get the job done. The NPN is the “shovel” that every single “gold digger” needs to succeed. Make sense? The NPN provides the “generic tools and products” that gives you an industry-wide market to sell to.
Okay, I’ll give you one more example to show you what I mean by “industry-wide” appeal.
Tell me, what’s an easier sell?
1. I sell a health product called “XYZ Juice”. It tastes great, makes you feel great, and gives you that extra boost of energy you need to make it through the day. Wanna buy some and join my downline?
2. I sell a complete suite of online systems that will help you quickly build and maintain a list of prospects for your “XYZ Juice” business or ANY other business that you’re involved in. Your XYZ downline can use it to build their businesses as well…
I don’t know about you, but #2 sounds like it has the wider appeal. That’s NPN.
Instead of paying separately for all of your essential online marketing tools such as:
- an autoresponder,
- tracking tools,
- blog platform,
- lead mailers,
- lead generators
- PLR materials
- day plan organizer
- and much more
You can have everything in one place – with one login!!
Thank heavens – Don’t you get tired of keeping passwords, logins, and all your programs organized? I sure do.
Choose a great day for yourself,
Corinne Floyd
The source of this post is: Online Business Training.
P.S. Interested in using online marketing tools for your primary business? Check this out.