Blog Archives

Unleashing the Power of Digital Marketing: Your Pathway to Success

In today’s interconnected world, where the digital landscape reigns supreme, the importance of digital marketing cannot be overstated. From small businesses to multinational corporations, organizations of all sizes are harnessing the power of digital channels to reach and engage with

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You Need To Do YOUR Part To Make It Work….

Have you ever been to a wedding? Two people culminate the entirety of their love in a ceremony that involves their loved ones and friends…. It is this commitment of love to one another that symbolizes a union of two

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Still Tire Kicking? So You’re Still Broke?

You ever see that guy at the car dealer that kicks the tires? That guy has NO clue what a negotiation or a deal is! ….people online are always tryin ta get somethin fer nuthin…. It DOES NOT work that

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YOUR Faith In YOU Is What Sells….

DYK: If you have faith in yourself and your product…. ….other people see it AND want to have what you have! I know it sounds crazy right? The reality of the situation is, is that the person with the most

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Do You Even WANT To Be Recession Proof?

…. why are you here? what are you reading this for? ….Something inspired you to read this right?… More than Just Morbid Curiosity! Maybe you are searching for something? Something more than just scraping by? The cost of living is

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They Ain’t Payin’ Your Bills? Don’t Let ’em Steal Your Drive

You ever have a dog that decides it wants to chase something? I took my dog out for a walk this morning on our acreage…. …. we have a little fox that likes to hang around, and my new pup

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No Skin In The Game? Then YOU Will NOT See SUCCESS

Did you know that all top athletes had to train every day for years before they ever made a dime? I am amazed at how many people think they can get online and instantly make a living without learning how

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You Already Have All The Content You Need!

It’s hard coming up with fresh content, new ideas, blog posts, emails, and so on isn’t it? So how do we email marketers keep up and stay fresh? Is that something you struggle with? I know I did, but then

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Scarcity Is A Mindset, Let’s Change It….

Change your mindset, change your future…. How many times have you heard this? It seems simplistic in it’s approach, but what does it actually mean? Mindset boils down to 2 things. 1) How you feel about yourself 2) How much belief you have in

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SOLVED! Your Biggest Problem In Email Marketing

That is always a fundamental question. Whar is the Biggest challenge in email marketing. In my humble opinion it is the generating and warming up highly targeted leads. Would you agree? You are out there sending safe list emails, traffic

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Patience And Consistency Win The Day

Have you noticed how reactive people are? Everyday on the news or on soci@l media you see people spreading h@te and vitriol. I believe that we are always seeing so little of the beauty that is our world and it

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Take A Break, Rejuvenate YOUR Creativity….

The world is a bit of a gong show right now…. So with that in mind I wanted to talk to you about self care! It is so important to make sure you are taking care of yourself… The reality

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How Have You Improved Yourself This Week?

It’s all about that isn’t it? Self Improvement, leads to Self fulfillment. This week we took the plunge and got us a new dog. He is a year and a half old, and was stuck in a shelter for over

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It Gets Lonely….. Doesn’t It?

It get’s lonely doesn’t it? Sometimes you are here trying to build a successful online business, but it’s beautiful outside and you would rather be out there wouldn’t you? It’s ok to take an hour to go outside isn’t it?

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Envelop Your DREAMS

Have you ever sat back, and thought to yourself, WHY am I doing this? Have you ever thought oh maybe I just go back to my damn job and be satisfied with that? DON’T! Something got you to get started

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Entitlement Will Kill Your Motivation….

If there is one thing I can’t stand it is entitlement! My wife deals with that on a regular basis as the Manager of  a not for profit. It blows me away how people think the world owes them something!  

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Do I Still Need a Email List?

Contemplating if you ought to be constructing an email list in your business? Let’s start with some limitations why you might not be the usage of and building your e-mail listing: Many bloggers and commercial enterprise proprietors do no longer

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Tough Time Trying To Recruit.

How Ya doing today? Great I hope! If your having the same luck as me, it’s tough to find anyone here to join your business with everyone trying to recruit each other into their business. There is a Much Better

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The Power of Marketing Automation

Automated marketing systems are very powerful.  With these types of systems, you’re able to run your business practically on autopilot.  These automated systems present the information for you and even better than you.  It follows up with those who are

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How To Rein In Your Biggest Competitor (in online sales)

 As an online sales person does their success frustrate you ? Is it someone in your own company, your own down line.? Is it another online sales person with similar products.? You will never soar like the eagle if you

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