Blog Archives

Do You Believe That You Are On This Planet For A Specific Reason?

Do you believe that you are on this planet for a specific purpose? And that reason is to positively impact people in the way that ONLY you can. This reason is your service to humanity. How do you know what

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The Law Of Service: Your Service Standard Determines Your Demand…

The Law of Service: Your service standard determines your demand. The demand of your services or products is proportional to how they meet your client’s needs and expectations. You will become as successful in your field of expertise as the

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Having A Winning Attitude Towards Others Means That You…

Having a winning attitude towards others means that you choose to build up the people in your life. Be they family friend neighbour acquaintance or stranger. You consciously choose to enrich them. How would you feel if the minute hour

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Be Careful What You Say Your Words Can Make You Quit!

The negative things we say can slow us down and even make us quit. How often do we say I can’t… then 1 hr one day or one month later we’ve done the thing we said we couldn’t? Why say

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